Monday, November 30, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 260....

 Another quiet day. I had plans with my brother but just not up to it. More achiness. Probably change of weather. I hope.

Bad news this morning. Jalisco's is going to carry out meals only. I was sure they would as Covid is just too bad. I am sure the other 2 restaurants will follow soon. Covid is just awful now.

Covid 19 - how hard is it to avoid large crowds, wash your hands, and wear a mask. If I can do it anyone can. Just need to think of others, especially those vulnerable. We will never be rid of it  if selfishness reigns. 


My friend JG has moved away. I will miss him but we can text. But I did video chat with JS and my friend AB in Morocco.

Kisse was odd last night.  She was in my bed three times. All cuddly and even curled up once. I think she wants to sleep with us but just cannot bring herself to. Probably Nico and his jealousy. Then  this afternoon Nico was extra snuggly. Change of weather snuggles? Very nice though.

Still saying snow on Wednesday. We are in either the 1-3-" area or the 1" area.  Sort of between. Probably I am in the no snow area. As usual. But I am dreaming still.

Photos today are all internet photos of cozy winter things. Still dreaming.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 259....

 Another quiet day except for the horrible winds. Luckily in my house I rarely heard it or felt it. Just outside and it is 31F and no wind. Grateful!!

Another night with little to no sleep. And with the changing weather I am a little stiff and sore. Nothing big.

I had a video chat with JS. Nice to see and hear him. And texted with my friend in Ireland, RW. He always makes me feel good. Wish  we could meet but such a long ways away. )-:

Cleaned a little tonight. Will have JR come out tomorrow afternoon and carry trash out to my bins.   He is too good to me.  I am sure I do not deserve it!!

Most of the photos are from a long ago ice storm and a couple of photos I just like.


Saturday, November 28, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 258....

 I had a quiet day with absolutely no motivation. I had little sleep last night and an extra long nap. I no longer care if I sleep at night. I have given up. I had things I planned to do today but did nothing. Think I am a bit more depressed.

Good weather. A little breeze. Got pretty cool last night -- 28F. Strong winds come tomorrow. Oh, joy. Hurricane force winds -- my favorite weather. Of course SE Kansas is having rain. Lucky them. Chance of snow midweek. HA.

Photos to day are snowy ones in hopes for this week. The last 3 photos are not mine. I just like them. The others are mine.


Friday, November 27, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 257....

 Almost perfect weather for my house. Had the heat set low and hardly came on during the night. When I got up the living room was coolish so I turned on the room heater until I took a nap. Perfect. And I think I have made up for my sleepless nights. Slept good last night. 

JR and I ate at Jalisco's tonight. They actually got very busy. We thought they might be quiet after eating on the holiday. But even busy JS and I had time to chat and laugh! He liked the mask I had on so I ordered him one. I like giving to others. I had time to visit with MA also. A good night.

I never stopped at the cemetery yesterday or today. I really did not want to cry. My mind is constantly on 2 years ago. Just a horrible time. I did not think it could get worse. Oh, but it did. Told my kids I would gladly go through losing Willie 100x than what they did to me. They have yet to try to build trust with me again. Guess they must have never loved me much or I am just not lovable. I will just live alone. Better that way. I have my brother and my best friend and my nephew. Would not survive without them.

SE Kansas can get rain tomorrow. They always get rain. There is a tiny chance of snow mid-next week here. I can dream but not holding my breath.

I was excited to see the Julbock in Gävle Sverige. It is a game to see if it does not get burned down before Christmas. People are just awful. It brings joy and there are just those who cannot stand others to be happy. But I will watch it all season. Even Lindsborg had a much smaller one that was burned twice. Supposedly everyone knew who burned but nothing was ever done to that person. He should have been made to rebuild it each time he set it aflame.

Photos today are a mix of some I have taken and if I did not take them I edited them.


Thursday, November 26, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 256....

 No blog post today. It is a very bittersweet day for me. Two years ago my husband suffered a massive cerebral hemorrhage and was in a coma for almost a week before passing.

Photos are from today and 2 collages from 4 years ago. Family of one and family and a friend in the other.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 255....

I am so shocked. We had rain. Lots of rain!! 2.75". Awesome!!! Roads are ok. Thank goodness.

No sleep again. But after 6am I can sleep like a baby!!! Why?

I had groceries ordered at Dillons for 4pm. Got there around 420pm. How grateful I am that I did not have to actually go in. The parking lot was full to almost overflowing.  Glad I was not inside. Could have been a den of Covid. I am mostly terrified anymore. They quickly run my food out and are excellent let you know what they do not have an offer a substitute.

Then I went to Lindsborg and got my brother. We debated where to eat and chose Jalisco like usual. They were unusually slow. But so was Crown and Rye. The entire town was dead. Still quite a few take out orders.

It amazes me that 4 people came in with no masks. One guy is in often and I have never seen him wear a mask. We are never going to gain on Covid if we do not do what works. And a vaccine is not then end all be all. It will still attack those who refuse. I read many will refuse. And I may not have the chance to get it. Way far down the line. No hope here.

I had a phone call yesterday that a friend has been exposed to Covid. This friend is ok now. Hope that lasts. I am a bit upset. And a couple other friends I have heard have it. Not good.

Photos are all from tonight except the tree. I just like the photo. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Sheltering in Place, Mood Of Silence, Day 254....

 My day was good, last night was not. No sleep. Getting old. But do not want to take drugs so I will adapt. I cancelled my therapy. Just too tired.

It has rained most of the day. Even thunder and lightning. Supposed to rain part of the night. snow in western KS. Not here.

My glasses I got from my cataract surgery came in and I picked them up. Quite cheap. And finally I can see again. Even when walking!  No more taking glasses on and off. But you only get one pair. And god forbid Medicare could pay for appointments or other glasses.

Other than my glasses, nothing exciting. Texted with a friend in Morocco. I like hearing from him. And I hear from my brother daily.

A mix of photos. Some from today.

003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...