Monday, May 31, 2021

Wandering Through Life

 Always be kind. Wear a mask if needed. Avoid toxic people and situations.

Another busy day. An extra good day. Wish more were good like today.

Had lunch with a good friend, A. A. Have not seen him for a while. He had a lot to share. Me too. Good lunch. And hugs and a selfie!

Then I had time for a much needed nap. Felt better.

Supper was with JR at Pizza Hut. We both had pasta. Very good.

It rained last night and all day today. I have enjoyed it but soon our wheat will need sun and heat. Harvest time soon. Plus my car is filthy. When the roads are dry I will get it washed.

Tonight I called a good friend, ND2. We talked for over an hour. She is one of few people I can be honest about my life with. And she can confide in me also.

Yesterday there was a tragedy in my town. A young father and one of his daughters died in a head on car wreck. Other daughter is in a hospital. So sad and has touched so many people. He was one of the good ones.

Photos are from today.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Wandering Through Life

 Always be kind. Wear a mask if needed. Avoid toxic people and situations.

An Ok day. Rainy and more on the way. love the cool temps. Next weekend will be awful. I am so excited. Not.

JR and I ate at Jalisco's. They were fairly busy. Yesterday I spent some time back in the kitchen. I have a new respect for the cooks. I have no clue how they do it!! And make no mistakes.

Holiday tomorrow but no family get together. Probably eat somewhere. Better than sitting home alone.

Nico was out earlier rooting around in some weeds when a little bunny ran out. He never saw it but he could smell it. They seem to be up around our house often.

I watched some soccer yesterday in England, Manchester and Chelsea. It was a championship match. I saw a lot of it. Have one American player on Chelsea. The first American to play in a championship match in Europe. JR and I used to go to Wichita to see soccer but without my husband to watch Nico it is difficult. I have to board him out and that is expensive. Hope we make it a few matches. Very frustrating to really enjoy something and cannot enjoy it.

Today is MOther's Day in Sweden. I shared a greeting here.

Had 2 turkey vultures resting in my backyard when I got home. I love them. Kind of ugly but fun to watch them soar.

Had a possible very upsetting event at Jalisco's. Turned out ok. I texted JS about it and he did come out to make sure I was ok. Nice of him.

Some old photos, some new photos.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Wandering Through Life

 Always be kind. Wear a mask if needed. Avoid toxic people and situations.

Busy and great day. First thing I got a photo from our niece. She, her husband, and their kids had been to my husband's grave. They always leave a bunch of wheat tied in a ribbon on his grave. They are the best. I know at least two of his friends who visit him often. How I appreciate them too.

I went to my husband's cemetery with flowers for him and my best friend JB. I had to fight tears. When I left one of my husband's friends was driving in to visit his grave. Almost more than I could stand.

Then I picked up JR and we put flowers on Mom and Dad's grave and our grandparent's grave. Mom had a twin that was still born. She was not named and has never had a grave stone. Mom gave a burial plot to a relative and in return he was to put a stone on her twin's grave. He never did. So when my husband died, I bought 2 stones. It was moving for me to put flowers on her grave today. I am glad she is not forgotten any more. JR and I then ate at the Crown and Rye. They had French Onion Soup. My fave!

JS texted me. He needed something so I got for him and delivered it. I even rated a nice hug.

Last year JR wrote to my daughter to tell her that her father had a grave stone and that we had flowers on it and she and my son could put flowers there also. Both my children refuse to talk to me or acknowledge they have a mother. And apparently they feel the same about their father. To my knowledge they have never visited his grave. Sad. He knows. I know. I would not wish what I have endured on anyone.

Nico and I sat out for a while. He hunted. I had a cocktail. A nice end to my day.

Photos are mostly older ones. Grave photos another day.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Wandering through Life

 Always be kind. Wear a mask if needed. Avoid toxic people and situations.

Nice busy day. Alway" good. Met my friend JR1 at the White Peacock. I had an Italian Cream Soda. Love it! We had a very nice visit. Hopefully soon again. I sure am going to miss her when she moves away.

Then I picked up JR for supper at Jalisco's. They ended up completely filled and large take out orders. MA and JS were running!! Glad we got there early so we had a booth!

I have no appetite. Nothing sounds good. Odd for me. I assume part of my cold. Still cough now and then.

Weather was much better. Cool and no humidity. Wish it would stay this way. Rain returns this weekend.

My mood is kind of funky. Memories, missing people, no family get togethers. Mom always had us for supper. Nothing fancy, but I miss those times! And no one to take Mom and Dad's place. Hard for me to see all the family get together photos on FB. I should just not go there during holidays. I am happy for others but lord knows how bad I hurt inside.

Photos were taken today. On my food bill you will notice there is tequila written. They are not a bar. Just my hoping they have some!!

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Wandering through a pandemic, Day 436....

 Always be kind. Wear a mask if needed. Avoid toxic people and situations.

Very quiet day. Our gale force winds have stopped. All the rains have moved on. Thankfully there was no hail here, but not far from here the hail was egg size and larger. Good friends had their camper, a car, and a truck heavily damaged. So sad. I had 1.75" of rain.

I made a fast trip to the post office and to fuel the car. I was driving on fumes.

I tried to nap but could not. I did not feel good and realized my blood sugar was low. I got up and ate. After eating then my brother called and asked me to join him and our friend Pm for supper. Hated to miss but not hungry or dressed. My brother wrote that the staff was totally confused with him being there without me!!

I truly disike summer. Took Nico out and was attacked by hordes of bugs. Cannot use the porch light and even my flashlight attracted dozens. Where is a nice breeze?? And today was far too warm and quite humid. Will only get worse and worse.

The holiday is already bothering me. Just me and JR. Just no family to be with. Too many memories. Have flowers coming so JR and I will visit graves.

Photos today are all taken by me except one. And they are old photos.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Wandering through a pandemic, Day 435....

 Always be kind. Wear a mask if needed. Avoid toxic people and situations.

Busy day. Worked at the Old Mill. Love it there. Caught up on what has gone on the last 2 weeks. Then I worked on photos. Found a photo of my mom's aunt. So pretty. And a young photo of my mom's granduncle's wife. Makes work fan. And another worker had a birthday and shared cookies!!! Yum!!

Stormy weather. Awesome clouds. I took lots of photos. We got rain but nothing real severe. That all stayed west, north, and south.

JR and I ate at Jalisco's. They were packed!! Last day of school! Plus lots of take out orders. JS gave me many of his old iWatch bands. Fun!!

I saw one turkey vulture before it rained here. I like that they live here.

I have been going through my FB friends. There are people I have no clue who there are. Plus our mutual friends are strangers. No guilt, unfriending with abandon. And people who are friends with me and one of my family I am worried about. I limit what they can see.

Photos taken today.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Wandering through a pandemic, Day 434....

 Always be kind. Wear a mask if needed. Avoid toxic people and situations.

Had an ok day. Slept so-so.

Weather was too warm for me, over 80 F. A bit humid. This evening had a short heavy rain. Glad the storm was less severe here.

Tuesday most generally therapy day. We talked about my childhood, my parents, my grandparents, family. I realised there are reasons why I never felt like I belong anywhere or felt like I belong anywhere. Started as a toddler. Interesting. Not sure those feelings will ever leave. I wish they would. We talked about my grandfather and nice things he did for me I never knew about as a child. And talked about my pets. Also talked about my husband and his friends when we dated. Fun times. We did talk a little about my children.

My cold is better. Still congested but no cough for 2 days. Normal would be nice. And I no longer consider going without a mask. How can I know who is vaccinated and who isn't. And who is honest!

Photos taken today.

003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...