Saturday, May 29, 2021

Wandering Through Life

 Always be kind. Wear a mask if needed. Avoid toxic people and situations.

Busy and great day. First thing I got a photo from our niece. She, her husband, and their kids had been to my husband's grave. They always leave a bunch of wheat tied in a ribbon on his grave. They are the best. I know at least two of his friends who visit him often. How I appreciate them too.

I went to my husband's cemetery with flowers for him and my best friend JB. I had to fight tears. When I left one of my husband's friends was driving in to visit his grave. Almost more than I could stand.

Then I picked up JR and we put flowers on Mom and Dad's grave and our grandparent's grave. Mom had a twin that was still born. She was not named and has never had a grave stone. Mom gave a burial plot to a relative and in return he was to put a stone on her twin's grave. He never did. So when my husband died, I bought 2 stones. It was moving for me to put flowers on her grave today. I am glad she is not forgotten any more. JR and I then ate at the Crown and Rye. They had French Onion Soup. My fave!

JS texted me. He needed something so I got for him and delivered it. I even rated a nice hug.

Last year JR wrote to my daughter to tell her that her father had a grave stone and that we had flowers on it and she and my son could put flowers there also. Both my children refuse to talk to me or acknowledge they have a mother. And apparently they feel the same about their father. To my knowledge they have never visited his grave. Sad. He knows. I know. I would not wish what I have endured on anyone.

Nico and I sat out for a while. He hunted. I had a cocktail. A nice end to my day.

Photos are mostly older ones. Grave photos another day.

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003/2025 Lördag the 08th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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