Friday, December 31, 2021

Wandering, 30 december 2021

    Day was nice for a while.  Got in the  50s F.  But this afternoon the front got here.  And our temps went from 50s to 40s to the 30s.  It is now 23F.  Snow and ice are coming.

    Denver is having heavy snow.  They need it.  Yesterday 2 towns near Denver burned with winds up to 90mph.  Awful.  It got close to where relatives live. They were in pre evacuation.  I was worried.  Glad that is over but all those people with no homes.

    Tried to nap but could not fall asleep.  Too many memories on my mind.  I remember when we had friends and New Years was special.  We --- the ladies --- bought a sort of fancy dress. Then we went to a club to eat and dance.  I miss those days.  Hard to be without friends here.  All have moved away or moved on.  Just the way life is.  

    Worse, is another best friend died on New Years Eve.  Right at midnight.  I miss him every day.  Life is not fair.  He had been to Texas to see his new grandbaby.  Had a massive heart attack on the way home in Dallas and died.

    Just not in a good mood.  Days like this I feel so alone and not part of anything or anyone.  Certainly not a new feeling.  I always sort of knew it would be like this.

    JR and PM and I ate at Jalisco's.  I feel like I belong there.  Nice to be liked and greeted.  The one cook came out.  He speaks little English but we manage.  Maybe because my Spanish is better.  He taught me Happy New Year in spanish.  I sort of knew it.  Now I have said it several times.  Will watch TV tonight.  

    Our earthquakes continue.  Beats me.  I know nothing.  There are others who are well versed in all that stuff.  No more opinions from me.  Just report my life.

    Photos are just New Years stuff.  Be glad when the holidays are over.  Just have my birthday and my son's birthday.  Maybe I will just skip mine and try to forget his.  Better than way.  Hopefully I can manage not to upset anyone else today.


Thursday, December 30, 2021

Wandering, 30 december 2021

    Today was ok but my usual lonely day when home alone.  Weather was so-so.  Cold at night and ok during the day.  That is going to change soon.  Cold front comes tomorrow after lunch.  After midnight the snow/ice starts.  One day our low is in the minus numbers.  Will have my water dripping for sure.  Especially if there is wind.  We are in the 2-4 inch snow area but starting with ice.  I hate to drive on ice.  No fun.  And it is cold enough my nephew is having to chop the ice for our livestock to drink water.  No fun.

    I had a bittersweet moment yesterday.  My husband had a white pickup he drove just on the farm.  My nephew has it and has it fixed up.  I came home yesterday afternoon and here came that white truck around the house.  For just a moment I thought "Willie is home".  I almost had tears.  Both a sad and glad moment.  I told him and he apologised.  No need.  Just life.

    Tonight the hill near where I live is called White Cross Hill.  Late afternoon it looked nice with the sun way in the west shining on it.  I live in the Smoky Valley.  The air often has a blue tint to it.  Today the air is quite bluish.  I like that.

    The Old Mill FB page has the cutest photo.  Our friend has a granddaughter who got a Lucia crown and she had to wear it on St. Lucia Day.  The Mill used it and explained that her grandmother was once the director of the Mill.  I won't share it here as I do not have permission.  Search on FB for Lindsborg Old Mill & Swedish Heritage Museum.

    Both fur kids are sleeping.  Hope that lasts all evening.  Miss Kitty does not cause too many problems but Nico not only can find trouble, trouble finds him!

    Photos are a mix!


Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Wandering, 29 december 2021

    Good cold day.  Weather apps kept saying there was snow here, HA.  Radar showed snow.  HA.  Nada here.  Just cold.  I saw 17F early this morn.  The clouds were supposed to go away.  They never did.  Our high was 31F.  At least there was no wind.  We are in a warning for friday and saturday of rain, ice, and snow.  I will not get excited until I see it.  Already all those who hate snow have started being negavtive. 

    Today was a work day.  Still working on school district photos.  All day was Santa Fe School.  It was over near McPherson.  A larger school than some.  And tons of photos.  I made a collage of some of the kids I worked on today.  There is a photo of a little boy and little girl.  I have no idea if they were fighting or flirting but made me chuckle!  So sweet.

    Had a good visit with my 2 bosses.  One took my photo.  I will be on FB.  A friends granddaughter will be also.  She is adorable.  She got a real crown like St. Lucia.  And she had to wear it on december 13, the actual day.

    Had 2 helicopters fly over my house.  Loud!!!  Probably going home from the bomb range west of my house.  I have put up with all the noise ever since we moved in.

    Had supper at Jalisco's with JR and PM.  Good food and conversation.  JS just lives to carry out a fajita platter near me.  He will go out of his way to walk by me.  I hate those as the smoke hurts my nose!  Tonight he broke a record.  He carried out 3 at one time and they went behind me.  He was so proud!!  As I choked.  You just gotta love him!!

    We had 2-3 earthquakes yesterday.  The joy of living near a fault line and god knows what else!!  I rarely feel any of the little ones.

    Photos are the collage and wintry photos.




Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Wandering, 28 december 2021

    Nico went to the vet's and had his nails clipped.  I think he likes to go there.  We barely walked in and he was headed down the hallway!!  While he was back there I heard a dog on his way out.  I was prepared for Nico but it was a huge dog that came to me instead of his owner.  He was sweet!  And Nico was better in the car for a change.  He usually tries to sit on me!!  He is too big for that!

    The weather has changed.  The snow is getting here earlier.  We will have ice friday night and snow on saturday.  They won't say how much or the path the storm will follow.  Tired of being wrong?  Probably means I will get nada.

    More earthquakes.  Every day!  Multiple ones on most days.  Weird.  Someone tried to blame fracking but there are documents that rule that out.  Those wells are much further south.  The quakes don't upset me.  If my house shook really bad then they might worry me.  Other people have loud noise and terrible shaking but not here.  I am clueless why I do not have the same.

    I finally slept last night.  Will take medicine tonight.  Must sleep before I work.

    Have not really talked to anyone today.  Typical day home alone.

    Photos are wintry.  The photo with the poem I took the photo and wrote the poem.


Monday, December 27, 2021

Wandering, 27 december 2021

    My day is a mix of good and bad.  I could not sleep last nite.  I did manage a few short hours of sleep.  After lunch I laid down to nap.  After an hour I gave up.  Cannot sleep again.  I gave up.  Maybe tonight will be better!

    I picked up my groceries at 11am today.  JS had asked me to come eat today so JR and I ate lunch out.  A good thing.  My grandson and great grandson were there.  Made for a fun meal.  Great grandson SM had just woke up.  He was just not present.  But soon he woke up and was laughing and waving.  Made my day!

    Now my mood is not good.  No idea why.  Sometimes it is hard to be alone.  Things need to be done and if I hurt they just sit.  I managed to take some trash out.  Need to do some daily.  One trash bin blew over.  The other one had a tiniest amount of mail in it.  Odd it did not blow over too.

    It was supposed to be around 60F today. Ha!  They were wrong. Stayed in the lower 40s.  Really cold later this week.  And chance of snow on saturday.  I am still laughing.  I won't believe until I see it.  A nice thought but it has been ages since we had any type of moisture.  The weather just said where I live has had the warmest December on record.

    Last night I did my eye drops at least twice during the night.  I woke up this morning and I could not see, could not open my eyes and they hurt..  I use individual containers for drops.  I used 2 of them in my eyes and then I sort of felt better.  But now my vision is blurry.  Just always something that is wrong.

    I sat briefly outside after the trash were deposited.  I saw a large bird in the pasture.  I think it could have been a heron.  And the squirrels are up by my house often.  No idea why.  Maybe they feel safe here.

    Been sorting through the photos on my phone.  It is a bigger mess than my house!  I try to post 2 photos daily whether anyone looks at them or not.  I do it for me.  Sort of like my blog.  Few on FB read it.  I could not care.  I write it for me.

    Our earthquakes are increasing.  Had 7 on Christmas Day.  Had 3 yesterday.  They are all about 3 to 4 miles from me.  Someone was just positive they are caused by fracking oil wells. But there are documents showing there are none here. Those wells are further south.  I wish people would actually read and learn things before posting and getting everyone else all upset.  Think many of the wells here are old ones.  But what do I know.  I rarely feel the little ones or when I am sleeping.

    Winter photos today.  None are mine.  Downloaded from a couple of sites that offer photos for free.



Sunday, December 26, 2021

Wandering, 26 december 2021

    Today is Boxing Day in some countries and Anandag Jul in others.  For me, I am glad Christmas is over and I never hardly cried.  In my FB memories there were too many photos of when I was with my son and his kids.  I am mo longer free to even email my grandkids.  The photos are just painful.  Sure that brings joy to my son.  But it is what it is.  They will have to pay for it all someday.

    I took Nico out around 430am today.  Then at 440 am we had a 3.9 earthquake.  My bed shook for a while.  We are averaging around 2 little quakes most days but this was a big one.  Most are near Gypsum KS.  JR joked we should go there to photograph the town before is sinks in a large sink hole!!  Hope that does not happen.  Just joking.

    A cloudy day with winds up to 58 mph here.  We are back in fire danger.  So far nothing.

    JR and I ate at Jalisco's.  Good to be there.  JS was the only waiter so he kept busy, but he still had time to talk and joke with us.

    I tried to take a nap but mostly just rested.  Did not sleep the best last night.

    I swear Nico knows when I am writing my blog.  He just cannot leave me alone!  I am texting with his head on my arm.

    Photos are sort of Christmas like.  There is a collage of the Olsburg KS church. They have a candle holder that has been restored and lit this year.  It is gorgeous.  I think I have visited the church years ago.


Saturday, December 25, 2021

Wandering, 25 december 2021

    Today is a much better day!  No whining!  By last night both knees hurt a lot.  I slathered on a large amount of arthritis cream and it helped.  I took some Tylenol at bedtime.  It usually does not help with inflamation but it did help the pain.  I slept well and woke up with just my normal pain.

    My grandson CF from Oklahoma stopped after lunch. With his dog Princess.  Nice weather so we sat outside and Nico could bark to his heart's content at company but we could talk.  Nico was in the house.  It was the best to see CF.  And he surprised me with a Christmas gift.  Totally unexpected.  Bless him.  We had a great visit.

    After they left I took Nico outside.  What a mess!!!  He just went from one place to another sniffing where the intruder had walked.  Finally tonight it is better!

    I picked JR up at 5pm and we went to Salina for supper.  We were sure this one restaurant was open on Christmas Day.  It used to be.   It was dark.  So I drove back to the Iron Skillet.  They were open.  Great.  I got an omelet, hash browns, and a biscuit.  Very good.  Not a fancy Christmas dinner but good and in good company.  They got quite busy.  Not everyone has a houseful of family.

    After we ate we drove around Salina taking photos of Christmas lights.  Started with the Stieful Theatre.  Then went up on the "The Hill" where the elite live!  Lots of lovely homes and lights.  After that a place called Red Fox Lane.  The lights there are breathtaking.  My favorite place.  We ended up in Lindsborg at Emerald Lake.  A good night for me.

    Home with the kids.  I feel guilty leaving them on a holiday but they survived.  And were glad to see me.

    Photos are of my dinner and some lights we saw.




003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...