Monday, February 28, 2022

Wandering, 28 february 2022

    Another challenging day.  My furnace quit working that I wrote about yesterday.  I made the executive decision to sleep in bed with no heat.  I was comfy in bed but when I got up it was pretty awful.  It was in the 50s this morning.  That is too cold.  We all moved to the living room and turned the room heater on.  After our nap it was up to 72F in the living room.  Tonight we sleep on the sofa. 

    I tried all day to get ahold of my furnace guy.  Three calls and no answer.  I feared he was ill and I did not know.  But around supper he called and admitted he was exhausted!  He almost always answers when I call but not today.  So he was very busy.  He will be here tomorrow after lunch.  That gives me time to round the fur kids up so they won't escape as he works.  There are 2 problems.  The furnace will come on and then quit.  He knows what that is.  Sounds not too bad.  The AC is always on.  I thought that was how it should be.  KN cut the electricity to it weeks ago.  Will need it this week.  Almost 80F.  Awful.

    I sat outside while Cinder ate and the black cat sat a ways away and watched.  Maybe she will accept me sometime.

    Now if Nico would just chill outside.  Mercy he is a mess.  Cinder has learned when I say the dog is coming she gets off the porch.  She would be fine if he would not bark and chase.

    According to the weather, today is the official day winter ends.  What winter?  Not where I live.  South of me had winter as did the west and north.  We got nada.  There were at least 30 days of 60F or more this ^winter^.  I hardly dare to ask how our wheat is doing.  Cannot be good.  Really glad I sold all my wheat ground.

    Tonight the prairie was peaceful, except for Nico.  It was getting dark and the cattle were near and quiet.  Even with me yelling at Nico!!  I saw several flocks of birds in different places and I spied one crow.  I rarely see them.  I hear them but do not see them.

    Had a raccoon on the porch last night and the night before.  Looking for food.  Cats eat it all.  But they still look, just in case.  A couple of things had moved but nothing was hurt.

    There is a map where you can look up your country and the ones around you how Covid is.  My county is low risk for Covid.  But the one north is worse.  So in my town I may not wear a mask but if I go to Salina it goes back on.

    I always listen/read what is going on in the Ukraine.  I have the highest respect for Ukraine's president and his family.  My state Kansas's state flower is the sunflower. Ukraine's country flower is the sunflower.  I cannot do much but I will start posting photos of sunflowers often.  Most people I am connected to on FB never read or comment or like what I post so I just do what I want and what I like.

    Photos are just a mix of photos I have saved.  The large white building is a castle in Sweden named Vanås.  Was once in my family several hundred years ago!



Sunday, February 27, 2022

Wandering, 27 february 2022

    Today was not a good day.  It was one thing after another.

    First I woke up and it was freezing in here. Why?  I called my nephew to check my propane.  No problem there.  But my heat will not come on.  It starts to but just turns off in a few minutes.  It was cold to get dressed.  About 60F inside my house.

    JR and I ate sunday dinner at Jalisco's.  And I dropped my phone in my flautas. It had queso all over it.  How ugly.  Took 2 napkins to clean it up.  Grrr.  Had a good meal and nice to see everyone but every time I touched my phone I got upset again.

      I was so tired I decided to take a nap.  I was cold still.  I get a box of stuff 4 times a year from a company I like.  The other day I got their box with a furry throw.  Perfect.  Laid down and got warm.  So did Nico.  But it was not long until my right hip got very sore.  I finally gave up.  The temp was actually got up to 72F in the living room with the room heater going.  At least today was not a sub zero day.

    Tomorrow I call my repairman.  What a joy.  Hope it is nothing too serious.

    Weather was nice out.  Nice temperature and no wind.  Everyday gets warmer until the weekend.  Then a chance for rain.  I am sure not here.

    When I got home, Cinder was just getting ready to go in her nest.  She turned to look at me.  She had a mouse tail hanging out of her mouth.  Gross but good to know she is doing her job!  I think the black cat is here more than not.  But it does not get near me yet.

    Photos are from the last year.


Saturday, February 26, 2022

Wandering, 26 february 2022

    Not a bad day.  Just a day of nothing.  Fur kids have been ok.  No major problems.  But when Nico and Kisse have been in the bedroom alone, then come racing out to the living room, should I be worried?  They both looked innocent, as usual.  Later I saw nothing out of place. 

    Not much action on the prairie.  The pond is frozen, not a wave in sight!  Cattle staying away.  On the other side of the driveway,  I could see cattle.  Nico and I were out and heard ice breaking.  KN was here breaking ice for the cattle to drink.  He walked over to say hello.  Good to see him.  Nico on the other hand had lots of trouble doing his business ---- having to watch KN and keep track of Cinder.  Poor Nico.

    I have seen Cinder more today with nicer weather.  This evening when I fed her she came right up to me and let me pet her while she ate.  Very nice.  I think she would come to Nico if he would chill.  And not be jealous.

    Late last night JS called to video chat!  He knows I am up late so it is no problem.  He used to stay up late also but he gets tired after a busy day.  I do not call him later than 10pm.  Nice to chat with him.

    I am still in pain.  Hard to find a comfy position to sleep in.  My entire right side just hurts --- arm, hip, and leg.  Better during the day, worse at night.  Does life have to always be a challenge?

    Watching a new show on the Magnolia network.  A couple with over 6 kids --- they each had 3 boys and then at least one daughter of their own --- have bought an old school building and are making it in to a home.  Wow.  I shouldn't watch shows like this.  Makes me sad I will never have a lovely, large  home.  That ship has sailed years ago.  I remember my husband always had ideas but never did anything to make them come true.  I finally just gave up.  Easier to live that way.

    Photos are an eclectic mix.  All three Fur Kids.  Three paintings I did in a class.  And the rest are a mix.




Friday, February 25, 2022

Wandering, 25 february 2022

    Another cold day.  The low  was 0F and our high was 31F.  Tomorrow the big warm is starting.  Those who want summer now will be so joyful.  At least there was no breeze today.

    Cinder kept to her nest most of yesterday and night.  She has been out and sunning herself some today.  And today I could put water out without it freezing within 5 minutes!

    The prairie was calm today.  The pond is frozen and quiet.  No cattle near my house.  Heard my crows in the field.  

    More pains today.  My right hip is still hurting and all the way down my leg.  And my right shoulder is painful off and on.  I put on pain killing cream several times last night.  Helped a little.  I get tired of it but nothing to do.

    I did see a new treatment for sore knees.  I am going to check that out.  Mostly noninvasive.  Better than surgery.  I refuse to have my second knee replaced.  That is just too much pain.  And I worry about surgery at my age.  Too scary.  Saw too much as a nurse.  Maybe things are better now.  Maybe.  And I really do not want to be in the hospital I worked at.  Anywhere else but not there.

    JR and I had supper with PM.  JR and I decided to change which booth is "ours".  Now to train the waitstaff where we want to be!!  It was busy there tonight with lots of take out foods.  JS always makes a point to walk very slowly by me when he is serving fajitas.  That smoke bothers me.  He loves to tease me!!

    Photos tonight are snowy ones.  They are for me.  Sorry to be boring.  Appears that is the only winter I will get.



Thursday, February 24, 2022

Wandering, 24 february 2022

    Still raging cold.  Our low was 6F.  Our high was 20F.  No winds and that helps.  We did get snow.  A major miracle.  Usually we miss out but this snow was nothing.  We got a huge half inch.  Looked like a pretty dry snow.  Helped not at all.  I almost took photos but  it was just nothing.  Calvin and Hobbes had the perfect joke for me.  I will post it first. 

    Just home alone today.  I had a couple of boxes that came in the mail so I opened them and flattened the boxes.  And one box had a sweet treat!!  Best kind of mail.

    I got some money for Christmas and have not spent it yet.  I love the Sundance Catalog and usually just ignore but that is where my money is going.  I saw a cool ring and it is ordered.  Probably spend the rest in that catalog also.  I got a discount code to use.

    Not seen Cinder today except on camera.  I am sure she is cold.  She has come out to eat and drink. And I saw her foot prints in our deep blizzard.  Ha.

    My arm hurt again today.  Before bed I have an essential oil mix for bursitis.  Helped me sleep with little pain.

    The prairie was pretty quiet today.  Saw no cattle from my porch.  Or birds.  Probably poor timing on my part.

    I am so sad for the Ukraine.  I hope there is some way to stop all the killing.  And soon.  How scary.

    Not much else happened today.  Photos are a mix.  The first one is just for me.


Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Wandering, 23 february 2022

    What a super cold cold day!!  Our low was 0F.  The high today was 21F.  Too cold!!  I love winter and all but hovering in the single digits is not fun.  One distant cousin was whining about all the snow and wish it would stop.  He was the straw that broke my back.  I explained we had no or very little snow so far this year but with these cold temps there should be snow covering our wheat to protect it.  Grrrr.  This has been a relative mild winter with one cold spell before this week and some areas got snow but not here.  I get tired of the whining.  If you don't like the weather here and only want spring, move away.  Wish I could.

    I woke up today with my right shoulder and upper arm very sore.  This is nothing new and it usually goes away when I get up.  But not today.  It is the arm I use the most at the Old Mill.  I called to stay home.  After a short nap this afternoon, I felt better.  My RA doc thinks it might be bursitis and said maybe she could give me a shot in my shoulder.  Not sure I need to do that.  Getting a shot in my knee would be better.  I plan to ask for that when I see her in a couple of weeks.

    JR and I ate supper at Jalisco's.  JS walks to work, about a block away.  His hands were like ice!!!

    After we had finished eating a guy came in and talked with JS.  He is a good friend.  Had not seen him for a while.  So he sat with us to chat.  I met him when he was a junior in college and captain of the soccer team.  He is the best.  There is a job he wants and they want him to apply.  I hope he does.  A perfect job for him.  I used to see his mother often but not anymore.  She works at the college but now no one but students can go there.  I miss her.

    Poor Cinder.  So cold outside.  She comes out to eat and then back in her nest.  I hope it is warm under there.  Or warmer than outside.  It is a full time job keeping water for her.  I put some out this afternoon and I think she drank it all.  Kisse can see her out a window.  She watches her.  I wish I could bring Cinder in but with Nico it would be a mess.

    The prairie was pretty quiet today.  Cattle are not here.  I neither heard nor saw birds.  Just too cold.

    Photos are a mix.  The first one is of Pia Sundhage from Sweden.  She was the USA women's soccer coach in the Olympics a few years ago.  I was honored to meet her.  I am next to her and the other ladies were with her.  I think one was her sister.  The next two are of my church on Julotta morning.  It is a very old plate.  I just got it.         





003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...