Wednesday, November 30, 2022

30 november, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    What a day!!!  Started super cold.  I saw a low of 15F.  Dang chilly!  In the 30s today.  Thankfully no wind.

    I worked this afternoon for the first time in a month.  Nice to be back & see everyone.  And there were some Christmas decorations.  Pretty. 

    The schools I worked on today each had very few photos.  It was a new school on each page!!  Kind of fun.  Some familiar names.

    On they way home to take Nico out I had a radio station on.  Willie is heavy on my mind today.  Tomorrow is the anniversary of his death.  Been 4 years.  I always talk to him when I go by the cemetery.  And with the Christmas songs on the radio I had tears.  All the way home.  And part way back to town.

    Going in to Jalisco's was shaky for me.  I should have just went home.  Well, one wrong word was said & I should have went to the car.  Then I got a lecture.  Did not help.  I told him to stop.  My stress was super high today.  Super high.  Not work related.

    Before I went home I went to sit with JS.  We had a good talk.  We both have problems.  He has a couple of friends he can talk to.  I mostly have no one.  I write in a journal when things get too much.  I have decided not to mention Willie on FB.  I am aware that no one cares how I feel or what I go through.  I tried once to relate how I feel.  Huge mistake.  Never again.

    Cinder disappeared last night.  I was worried as it was so cold.  But I think the black cat was here.  I heard him.  So I fed him & then he left.  Then Cinder was back at the door!!  Glad she stays close.

    Photos are mostly from the Old Mill today.


Tuesday, November 29, 2022

29 november, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    The cold front hit hard this morning.  The temp was 48F all night.  Got up at 8am, & it had dropped to 32F & stayed there all day.  At 8am it was quite windy but not bad now.  Somewhere there was snow but nary a flake here.  Normal.  Tonight lows in the single digits & some below zero are forecast.  Better let my water drip a little.

    I have a bill to pay by the first.  And can I find it?  Of course not.  I looked through the mail 3x.  I called who is in charge & of course no answer or return call.  I hope tonight I get a call.

    I did go to town to mail another bill.  Plus I had meds to pick up.  Should have had them last week but they were really slow in getting them.  Missed at least a week.  Grrr.  Then I decided with the cold weather I better have a full tank of fuel.  And it was soooo cheap!  I paid $3.09.  Amazing!!



    I got some Nordic socks for winter.  Now my feet are warm!!  They are very colorful!!

    I slept better last night & with little pain.  Just the awful itching.

    No nap today.  That awful Covid tiredness is much less.  Nice for a change.

    Saw that someone that used to be close to Willie.  They were in the National Guards together.  They went to basic training together.  Wish they would have stayed friends.  Very nice family.  Extra sad at this time of year.

    Photos are more birds ---- chickadees, junkos, house finches.


Monday, November 28, 2022

28 november, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Thanksgiving is finally completely over.  I had the last leftovers for supper.  Soooo good.  Wish I had more!!  Only problem there was not enough carbs for me.  Wish there had been more potatoes in there.  They were so good.

    The black cat is back.  He sat & peaked around the corner of the house waiting for me to go in so he could eat.  I waited until Cinder had her wet food.  I had some dry food out for him.  He is quite pretty.

    I felt ok today.  Stupid itching was the worst.  But a front moves in tomorrow so I might hurt some, but it is moving so fast maybe not.

    Weather was chilly but ok.  Sat outside a bit with Nico & Cinder.  They had time to snuggle a bit.  Probably won't happen tomorrow.  Last night was in the 30s & 50s today.  But tomorrow temps will be falling after lunch.  And a slight chance of snow.  I expect to see none.

    I mostly took it easy today.  Have a busy week coming up.  All good things though.  One day at the SVAFA.  I love it there.

    Photos today are wintry & Christmassy.  I like Christmas photos especially since there is no Christmas here to celebrate.  I miss those days.  I used to have a large star on the front of my house.  (My son always hung it for us.  Until the last time I asked him when he had time to hang it.  He rudely told me that he now had his own home & his own family to take care of & I could just find someone else.  End of my star.  I can assure you if Mom had asked for a star on her house I would have found a way to make it happen.  I think he hated me long before I realised it.)  I think the Santa is a relative of mine.  His sister made his robe.  Not sure who is Santa now.


Sunday, November 27, 2022

27 november, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Another night of little sleep.  But this morning I got some sleep.  And Nico & I took a nice nap.  I have noticed I have lost the Covid tiredness I had until just recently.  Different than my RA fatigue.  The tiredness was overwhelming.  I could take 4 naps a day.  Glad I feel better.  And no more Covid headaches.  Never lasted long but painful.

    JR & I ate lunch at Jalisco's.  They got fairly busy but we did not have to leave early.  I try to keep watch on how many booths are open & how many people waiting.  I even got a nice hug before I left without asking for it.

    60 Minutes is doing a set about dogs.  Nico came from a wolf??  Scary!!  He was extra cuddly today.  Climbed on my lap & laid his head on my shoulder.  He never does that.  It was nice.  The show was interesting & talked a lot about wolves.  Wolves picked to be friendly towards humans & the things they cast off ---- food.  And dogs developed from them.  Interesting.

    Weather was ok.  Thirties overnight & 40s today.  They had forecast chance of snow here on tuesday.  Now it is only in NW Kansas.  We might get 5 flakes or so.  Not enough to get excited about.  The rain we got yesterday was pleasant but did not amount to much of anything.

    RA causes itching/eczema/etc.  Itching is driving me nuts.  I am sure the dry air makes it worse.  My arms are the worst.  Had to get my itch cream during the night.  It is always something.  Story of my life.

    Photos today are of birds in snow.  None are my photos.  And I seem to have more photos of junkos & cardinals.  My two faves.


Saturday, November 26, 2022

26 november, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    I had a great day!  Last night was not too good, though.  The cold front arrived last night & today played havoc with my RA.  Both of my legs hurt & so did my back.  I applied pain lotion 3 times --- a different one each time.  Nothing helped.  No bueno.

    I worked today I worked at the SVCFA.  A friend worked the 2 hours before me.  She ended up just staying so we could visit.  Made for a pretty great afternoon.

    Then one of the bosses came in & we went in the back room!!!  It is a Christmas fantasy in there!  What fun!  If I had known that I would have sat there all afternoon.  With maybe a glass of wine!!  Perfecto!  There are ornaments hanging on ribbons, tons of lights on posts, shelves, & trees.  I took photos to share.

    The art show in there is clothing designed & sewn by the fashion designer who owns the Ivory Thimble in Lindsborg.  She does new clothes, alterations, Swedish costumes, etc.  I shared some photos of her clothes.  If I was skinnier I would buy a couple of them!

    JR & I planned to eat when I got off work.  The friend I was working with decided to come eat with us.  We had a great meal!  Got to talking about someone in politics & his family.  We giggled & did some research just for fun.  And we looked up fancy gowns on the internet.  Who knows why.  But we giggled at many of them.  It was fun!

    I had a black cat that hung around here daily.  Then one day I saw him no more.  I had hoped he was ok but no way to know.  I think he is from my neighbours house.  I got in the car to go to work & there on the porch steps he sat.  Glad he is ok.  Might have been a bit of food there.  Not sure.

    It started raining about the time I went to work.  Nothing too heavy.  And was still raining the last time I was outside.

    I almost forgot.  While we were working the owner of a bakery, 350', that is next door came in & gave us each a decorated reindeer cookie.  Too good for words!!  Must go shopping!  The do all sorts of rolls & pastries.  And even have soups & drinks.  Yummy!!!


Friday, November 25, 2022

25 november, 2022 Wandering & Capturing Moments

    Did not sleep really good last night.  Nico kept me up most of the night.  I finally fell asleep around 7am.  I tried for a nap but again Nico woke me early.  Maybe the cold fronts that are coming our way.  I am feeling them.  My knee has gotten pretty sore most of the time.

    A short rest was ok.  I had trash to gather & carry out.  Nico helped.  Ha!  But he had his nose in everything.  Now if he could carry them out I would be so pleased!

    I have eaten quite good today.  Thanksgivng leftovers.  Really yummy.  More tomorrow.  Nico never left my side.  I shared some turkey with him & Cinder.

    I remember one Christmas we went to a Christmas tree farm to pick out a tree.  I only got to do it once.  I got to ride on a wagon around the farm. I picked out a tree & Willie even liked it.  It was a pretty tree.  I miss having a tree.  But the fur kids would ruin it.  No need to have something that causes me to yell.  And them to ignore.  And it would only be for me so who cares?  I give gifts to two people & one of them gives me something.  He & I exchange birthday gifts too.

    I am watching a Jeff Dunham rerun special.  I love him & his puppets.  We were lucky to have seen him live in Las Vegas one year.  Great show.

    Had to double check what days I am working in the next few weeks at the gallery.  Think it is 3-4 times.  Great!  Fun to be there & fun to meet visitors that come in.

    I shared on my FB group of Lindsborg Now about my Thanksgiving.  Two members had to reply in not so nice ways.  To the admin of the group!  I deleted both comments.  I have the one guys name down.  One more posting something rude, he is out.  I am going on a if you cannot say something nice, say nothing at all.  Tired of rude people.

    I should be watching the Soccer World Cup.  I get it on my DishTV but it messes my tv up.  I keep track though.

    Photos today are of barns.  None are mine.  We have barns but in my area but none are as cool as these.  My neighbour's barn is.  I take lots of photos of it.



003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...