Friday, November 10, 2023

10 november, 2023 Wandering & Capturing Moments


Forget Me Not Day
Take a moment to remember those special people in your life on Forget Me Not Day - reach out with a kind gesture and show them you care!

Today's Name Day is Martin Luther

    What a night & day!!!!  I was just exhausted last night.  Went to bed around 8pm.  Then felt sick.  I was beyond cold.  Turned the heat up a bit & added another blanket. But..........  Got up in the morning & it was 59 in the bedroom.  60 in the living room.  Super cold!!  Had my nephew check my propane level which was good.  Called Pestinger's to come out after lunch.  Needed that long to eat & get my head together.  I did get my little heater going.  It was unplugged!!  Warmed us up pretty good.  While there was no heat there were 4 of us keeping near each other in the bedroom.  Even Cinder did not want cuddling.  She just laid close to keep warm.
    End of story, the furnace has a temp fix.  A part is ordered.  Hope it stays on until next week.
    Cool weather with a slight breeze.  High was 60.  Nico & I sat out a couple of times.
    Supper was at Jalisco's.  Very good.  Always love their La prima pollo.  Flan for dessert.  JR got his usual ice cream with chocolate & whipped cream.  It was amazing!!!
    I took photos of stars but nothing great tonight.
    I ordered some medicine from Amazon for Nico.  He is actually better.  Not so groggy.  Perkier & eating great.  Sleeps good but not like he is in a coma.  Better maybe temporary but I am ok with that.  helps my guilt.
    Been listening to Christmas music.  Blue Christmas almost made me cry tonight.  And this morning out of the blue I had a thought that I needed to call Mom later.  Where the hell did that come from?  I hate holiday season.  No family get togethers.  IF there are I am not included.  I never decorate for Christmas but with 2 cats & a dog that would be useless.  But I miss it.  I always wish I had lights outside but I cannot do it so it never gets done.  Guess I get what I deserve.  I gave up sending cards a few years ago.  I tried after Willie died, but I failed.  Now I just don't care.
    Great Blue Christmas story.  We had friends that did not get along.  He had complained about her forever.  He wanted her gone.  Well......  Around Christmas SHE left HIM.  We all went out somewhere & the entire time we were there, he continually played Blue Christmas!  He should have been happy but was miserable!!
    Photos are seasonal.



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003/2025 Måndag the 10th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Ada, Edla Had a ladies in town with the both these names.     What a day!!  Great & special. day I have had!!!...