Tuesday, April 30, 2024

04/2024 Tisdag the 30th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Half O Ween

Half way to Halloween

Today's Name Day: Mariana

    A quiet day with little sleep last night.  Still too much pain.  Have an appointment for monday.  I sure hope my chiropractor can help.  Life should not be this difficult.  Or maybe I get what I deserve.  Who knows.  I rarely think I deserve good things.

    Awful weather.  Saw a high of 92F.  That is awful.  And high winds with gusts in the 40s.  Almost blew me off the porch.  Cinder went out & hid somewhere.  Came in later for a while then back out.  About time to bring her in again.

    Scary weather in southern Kansas.  Let's keep it there.  Rain only is all I want.  Ha!  Severe weather is severe again in the south tomorrow.  Chance of rain for several days.  Not enough to matter.  But cooler temps tomorrow.  I always dress warm as I am always cold in the basement at work.

     I had a dr. appointment tomorrow & cancelled.  I cannot walk that far.  Almost ready to rent a wheelchair to get me in but then no one to go with that early in the day.  Alone is not good.  One who could help is sleeping.  The other one has all 3 of his kids this week.  Nephew too busy.  Tired of being alone.

    Had a couple of texts.  Not much.  Everyone is busy or not well.  I am not busy just not well..

    Photos are nothing special.  One I created I have always liked.


I would kill for a margarita.

Very old sewing machine.

I love Alfred Hitchcock so I created this of him in honor of his movie The Birds

Monday, April 29, 2024

04/2024 Måndag the 29th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Peace Rose Day

Today's Name Day: Tyko 

    Had a nice day. Slept good with Cinder back & forth.  I got up sort of early.  I had things to do.

    After lunch I had to gather all the trash I had not taken outside to the trash bins.  One would think I would learn.  Take each one out when full, not a huge pile of them  And the severe pain did not help.  I had a method which I will not detail.  But I managed 3 large bags sort of at one time.  I threw them all out the front door & left them.

    Then I managed a short nap.  I was too tired for words.  After my nap I got up to makeup & dress. Then off to town to get JR.  He put all bags in the the bins.  He picked up trash in the yard.  The strong winds have played havoc with things!! He looked for the straps I had for my bins to keep the lids in place.  Lost.  I assumed the wind got them.  I had more so we managed to hook them together to fit.  My great nephew had mowed & I knew there was no way he could mow over them.  (later tonight I texted his dad.  He found them & picked them up.  Will return.). That took a while fix new ones.  Had to put all the hooks on them.  Then we were off to supper.

    Ate at Jalisco's.  Today is their 16th anniversary of being in town.  Very cool.  And they were busy for a while!

    While eating a dear friend I rarely see was eating there & we had a nice chat.  I miss her.  It was great to see her!

    Then I came home.  Practicing today using Mom's cane.  It kind of goes ok but not great.  Hope it gets better.  Forgot to call my chiropractor today.  Calling tomorrow.  He has got to help.  I see my new RA doctor in june & might ask her or him if he can arrange a shot in my hip.

    Got some new pain killing cream. I do not feel anything from it.  Great.  Waste of money.  The one that works best has the strongest peppermint smell.  Cannot wear it in public, only at home.  Dang.

    Photos are a mix.  Might explain some of them.  On the way home from town, there was a line of clouds in the west.  I could see rain falling.  The weather even sent a text that rain would start soon.  I have had dozens of those messages & no rain ever shows up.  Super hot tomorrow. Yay. 😱


JR's & my dessert tonight.  His was the tall one.

Sunset that was much better looking in person.

Clouds with rain

On a corner of Main Street near Jalisco's.

I think the college cafeteria & highly edited.

A mural I took a photo of years ago.  Maybe in a bank in Salina.  Long long time ago.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

04/2024 Söndag the 28th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Global Pay It Forward Day

People around the world are encouraged to engage in a small acts of kindness. It’s a day to respond to someone’s kindness toward you by being kind to someone else.

Today's Name Day: Ture, Tyra

    Nice peaceful day with no strong winds.  I am so tired of wind.  There are no words to describe how I feel.  I slept pretty good.  Cinder was in & out.  Kisse actually curled up in bed with me for a while.

    Managed time for a nice nap.  I need to take trash out but will get help with that tomorrow.  Too sore to do it alone.

    Planning to call my chiropractor tomorrow to start treatment.  I can barely walk.

    JR & I had supper at the Happy Swede.  They had two of my faves as specials tonite.  Either a hot beef sandwich or Swedish meatballs.  Went with the meat balls.  Very good.

    I had time to drive to a friend's house.  In his back yard by the alley he has poppies blooming.  I missed them last year but they are looking great today.  Right next to them is a large rose bush.  Pretty yellow roses!!

    Good news today.  My sick friend is back home.  I am relieved.  He did not write much.  I am sure he is exhausted.

    Calm weather for tomorrow but then on tuesday through thursday severe weather again.  Tons of photos on the weather tonight of bad things in Kansas & Nebraska & Oklahoma.  Scary.

    Photos tonight are flowers that I took this afternoon.


Saturday, April 27, 2024

04/2024 Lördag the 27th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Independent Bookstore Day

Today's Name Day: Engelbrekt

    I did nothing today.  Just a day of rest.  I slept ok.  Cinder was back & forth for quite a while last night.  I finally gave up & laid how I wanted  Usually after 6-ish she comes to lay with me.  No matter how often I get up.  She either stays in bed or comes back after I get comfy.

    We were in a tornado watch & had some rain after lunch.  Not much rain, of course.  Storms after supper in SE Kansas might have had  a tornado in the clouds.  Probably not.  But they got around 6 inches of rain.  Wouldn't that be heaven.  But slower & over several days so it soaks in.  We had strong winds over night & today.  Nice out now.  Still a chance of rain later tonight.

    Drought is awful.  Our governor ruled we are in a severe situation.  Very severe.

    After my nap I got extremely sleepy.  Odd.  Nap should have been enough.  Dosed again.  Have had my heating pad on all day,  Not when asleep though.  You can get a bad burn & not realize it since you are asleep.

    No good tv.  Late night talk shows off this week except for Kimmel.  And no Saturday Night Live tonight.  Bummer.

    Cinder was in until after our naps.  Out now.

    Texted with sick friend several times.  Still in the hospital but getting better.

    Photos are a mix of some I took & some not mine.


Taken & edited by me.

Taken & edited by me.

Taken & edited by me.  One of my fave photos I havae taken.  Shows the past & life today.  Located near Concordia KS.

Painted by my friend John.  This building was in my family for years.  Once was called the Fair Building.  That is on this building & so is the name the Train Brothers.  They sold hardware & stuff.  Became just Train brothers.  They sold farm stuff like live chickens.  They also sold ice.  Even when I was a very young child I remember them loading ice on the back of a truck,  This painting was on an auction today.  I did not go.  I would have had to buy it if there.  Dang.

Taken & edited by me.  I created the collage.


Friday, April 26, 2024

04/2024 Fredag the 26th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Hairball Awareness Day

My 2 hairballs & their brother

Today's Name Day: Terese, Teresia

    Night & early day could have been better but the rest of the day was good.  Trouble getting comfy all night.  Too much hip pain.  Tired all day.

    Got word a good friend is in the hospital.  I am very worried.  Lots of texting.

    But tonight JR & I went to Lindsborg for supper.  Tried Jalisco's but a HUGE group of people went in & I was sure there was no room for us.  Lots of cars in town & few parking places.  Went back to the Crown & Rye.  Room for us.  I had fried shrimp, French fries, beef & barley soup.  Very good. Then we were going next door to Indigo Moo'd but JR went in & got our ice cream.  We sat on a bench to eat it.  Lots of people in town.  Tomorrow is college graduation.  Plus there is a festival in town about flowers ---- Lindsborg in Bloom.  The town is decorated today in preparation. 

    Sitting outside in the pleasant weather was fun.  Many people were very friendly.  Saying hello & smiling.  More than the locals usually are to me.  There were 3 people who ate where we did & the guy came over to me & told me he really liked my hair.  The 2 ladies he was with complimented me on my hair & my top.  I am not used to that & enjoyed it!!  Saw several friends I do not see often & had some fun talks.

    No storms today.  Just high winds.  Calm tonight.  But storms tomorrow.  After lunch.  Hope not too much.  Far north of us in Nebraska there were several tornados. Videos are scary.  With the severe warnings all the military aircraft have been moved out of Kansas to safety. They do that often.

    Photos today are from where I sat outside near Crown & Rye & Indigo Moo'd


Thursday, April 25, 2024

04/2024 Torsdag the 25th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

National Telephone Day 

Today's Name Day: Markus

    Had a good day.  Awoke to heavy rain that lasted around 5 minutes.  But soon started again.  Cinder sort of wanted out so I opened the front door to check on the rain.  As I am standing on the porch lightning struck in the pasture near my front door with the loudest bang I could imagine!!!  I jumped!!!!  Cinder waited a while.  And did not stay out long.  Smart cat!

    Ate an early lunch & headed to bed for a nap.  The cats napped too in their own nests.  Cinder never went out when I got dressed & went to town.  Before my nap I texted with my friend AA several times.

    Went to town around 430pm.  No rain or even mist at my house.  I had supper with AA & his mother.  They fixed sort of a stew of beef patties, potatoes, & mix of root vegetables.  The veggie mix package they found at our local grocery store in the Swedish food area.  It was like it had been blended thin.  And tasted very good!!  I loved it!!  They gave me a package to fix for myself at home.

    We had a long visit & watched some soccer while AA had some medical treatments to do.  His brother did a video call so we have officially met.  I remember him as a young boy but we never met.  I just saw him at AA's soccer matches.  Now he is in the military!

    Driving home there was no rain or mist but there was very strong east winds.  I found where it said 30 mph but it was stronger than that!!!  Just want rain.  Cancel the wind & hail.

    I am sure I talked too much today.  So nice to actually get to talk & have back & forth conversations.  Alone is not good.  I am getting tired of it.  When alone I think of things that are "what if"!!!!  I did try to talk about something recently & I got nada.  No help.  Just hope it never happens.  If it does, I am up shit creek without a paddle.

    The schedule at the Old Mill I helped with it actually hanging on the wall.  It is officially done!!!  One problem this morning but it got solved.  Was nothing I could have helped with.  I am proud I got to help this year.

    Photos today are just nice photos of feel good things.  None are mine.


003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...