Wednesday, August 21, 2024

08/2024 Onsdag the 21th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Senior Citizens Day

No one wants to be elderly.  But here I am.  I love others,  I miss having family,  I enjoy being a volunteer,  & I have survived more than I can say.  But here I am.

Today's Name Day: Jon, Jonna

    I am still sickly but better.  I have lots of trouble falling asleep at night but not during the day.  Eating has been ok since yesterday noon.  That meal made me so, so sick.  I am very careful what I eat.  I read what not to eat during a flare & am following that.  Even though I can hear my cookies & Swedish candy calling my name.  So far so good.

    I must be better as Cinder is not hovering any more.  She was out until supper time today.  Now back out.  Kisse is curled next to me.  Very nice.

    Texted with one grandson. That is about it.  I did write my coworker at the Mill & told her I desperately hope to work on friday.

    Friday I have a  supper date with a good friend who is in town visiting her sister.  We used to eat out so often before she moved away.  I hope to eat with her.  I will eat if I feel I can.  Or.  Just go hungry until I get home.  I truly want to be back to my normal.

    Weather was ok.  My indoor/outdoor weather gauge has quit.  Probably needs a new battery.  Guess I will survive for a couple of days.  Or maybe Cinder knocked it to the ground outside.  Have not checked.

    We have weather warnings for this cominig weekend.  Super hot again & humid.  Oh, joy.  😞

Supposedly this is the last of super hot weather.  Temps will be cooling off.  So they say.  Due to the hot forecast, my photos today are snowy ones to cool me off.  And one yummy looking recipe.



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003/2025 Söndag the 09th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  They were near my house this afternoon.  You can see the first one was giving me the once or twice over!! 😃 Today's Name Day:   Torbj...