Thursday, August 22, 2024

08/2024 Torsdag the 22nd - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Be an Angel Day

Today we are encouraged to do good deeds and kindness to others. By supporting those in need and inspiring others to do kindness, we display an act of an angel here on earth.

Today's Name Day: Henrietta, Henrika

    I have had a better day.  Even though sleeping is a challenge.  I had a short nap this morning & again after lunch.  Taking a pill tonight to help me sleep.  So frustrating.

    My pain is much better.  I can eat ok.   Not tried a cookie or Swedish candy yet.  Will wait until saturday or friday night.

    I changed my mind & want to have lunch with LL tomorrow  but she must be busy.  Too bad.  I sure miss her.  See her tomorrow.

    Cinder has been outside all day.  On the porch. But she keeps looking out in the yard.  Wonder why.  She has her eyes on something.  I suppose I will have to carry her inside later.  Lilla buse!!!  (Swedish -- little brat!  Good to have Swedish friends.  I often can learn things.)

    Last night of the DNC.  Good to feel joyful & hopeful for a change.

    Weather warnings for saturday & sunday.  Super hot again  Hopefully this is the last of it.  I am sick of summer.  Last night there was quite a lightning storm here.  I do not think we had rain.  Or not much.  Of course.  Maybe rain again tonight.  Maybe.  Hope I sleep through it.

    I finally felt good enough to shampoo my hair.  Nice to look human again!!!  Have some new products.  Tried one out today.  Two more coming,

    I bought a couple of dresses but they are too long.  Dang.  Decided to wear one tonight. Love it.  Should have both of them shortened.

    Photos are nothing special.  And one of me.  Wish I looked that good,  Fun.



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