Thursday, August 29, 2024

08/2024 Torsdag the 29th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Lemon Juice Day

Today's Name Day: Hampus, Hans

    What a day!!! Sometimes you have a day that is perfect beyond perfect.  I wish every day was like today.

    Started with lunch at Jalisco's with RG & another friend.  Our friend's husband just had surgery & had to stay home.  Next time.  We had a nice visit.  A goodbye lunch with RG.  He goes home tomorrow.  Maybe returning in october for a few days.  Next long stay is next august.  Must try to text more often.  Miss him.

    Then home to get ready to take my car to Assaria for an oil change.  Unfortunately the county is working on my stupid road leading to home.  And you have to wait for a pilot car.   😱. There is a right way to do things & then there is the Saline County's way to do things.  Grrr.  I sat in line waiting the the blessed pilot car for over half an hour..  All sorts of vehicles came & went but NO pilot car.  I just needed to go one mile to my road.  One short mile but the guy with the flag was none too friendly.  I dared not ask anything.  So I sat for well over 30 minutes........scared I would be late for my appointment in Assaria.  FINALLY the pilot car arrived.  I had a loooong line of cars behind me.  The pilot car had ----- ONE!!!!!  What?  Was he taking a break in Falun???  Grrrr.

    I made it to Assaria in good time.  There are 2 booths inside the little shop at the filling station.  One was full of boxes of candy, chips, etc.  I asked if they fixed a lunch for me???  

    A man came in & asked if he could sit with me.  And did we ever talk.  He remembered Willie, my son who worked at the elevator there years ago, my nephew, my farm, my family & many not with us now..  It was so fun to laugh at things that can usually make me cry.  He had coffee with Willie often but he saw no dementia. Nice to hear.  There were several local happenings we talked about.  He remembered when Willie had his brain stroke & 

died a week later.  It was the best afternoon.  Be fun to see him again but won't happen.  He farms & has a wife.  And occasional coffee would be fun.  But I have good memories.

    Changing my oil did not go good for my guy.  In the process a man came in & needed fuel.  No problem but when  the fuel was in, they could not open the tractor door.  Locked with the keys locked inside.  We were clueless & my guy 

got no sympathy from us.  Laughter, yes.  😀

    I think I may start to drive there to get sodas & chips & cookies.  Big selection & I can see what they have.  

    Cinder went out yesterday when I went to work,  And she never went out again. I tried.  And today when I got up  she did not go outside,  I got up, got dressed, & she just looked at me.  Came back from Assaria & she just looked at me.  Odd. Right before I att supper, she went out. There is rain west of us so I am watching closely.  I think I can smell rain,  Do not see any yet here.  It is close..

    Photos are all taken today & then made black & white.


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