Friday, August 30, 2024

08/2024 Fredag the 30th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Grief Awareness Day

........recognizes the time it takes to heal from loss doesn't have a prescribed course and is a reminder closure comes in many forms. When a loved one dies, the void they leave affects everyone differently.

Today's Name Day: Albert, Albertina

    Amazing.  Another great day!!  Two in a row.  Slept good,  Minimal pain.

    Today was a work day at the Old Mill Museum.  I was working on folder "J" & finished it.  Now doing Folder "K".  I got the photos sorted & all the tiny ones scanned. I hate those tiny photos,  They scatter & fly around,  A good work day.

    Supper tonight was pizza at my coworker LL's patio.  What a perfect day.  The pizza was perfect, but the weather was the best!!!  Not too warm or too cool.  No breeze.  Quiet neighbours.  A large group of sparrows entertained us!!  And one tiny squirrel.  Had a nice visit.  Loved the entire evening.  I am lucky to have such a good  friend.

    RG should be home.  It is only 4-5 hours to his town & he left this morning.  Missing him.

    Before pizza I got MM address of his new home & got directions from OnStar & found it easy.  Nice home.  I am anxious to visit all my grands there.  Each boy has his own room,  Great!!!  It has a loft I would love to live in!!!  The boys would be upset with Grandma!!! That is theirs!!

    Tomorrow I must write to my friend AA.  I am far behind but my being sick for almost 2 weeks has me out of sync.

    Cinder just came in.  I gave her a slice of ham because she is so nice.  THEN she almost attacked Kisse.  What was that about???

    Photos to day are some I took today.  Will post those first.


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10/2024 Lördag the 05th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

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