Tuesday, December 31, 2024

12/2024 Tisdag the 31th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Today's Name Day:  Sylvester

    What a busy day I have had!!!  Got up early to get ready for a doctor's appointment in Wichita.  I ate lunch really early.  And thought I would die of hunger by mid afternoon.
    I met my new PA.  She is very nice & caring.   And her assistant called me Miss Julie.  I liked that.  And the real doctor came in to say hi.  He is one of the most gorgeous men I have ever seen or met.  When he checks my hands with his fingers, his hands are very soft.  He is really kind. And caring. I should be so lucky to meet someone like him.  Never happen.  Not to me!
    My one knee is the worst & hurts often.  I asked if I could have a shot in my knee,  She said of course & she uses a steroid,  I assumed that would be it.  And I am well aware it will make my blood sugar go sky high!!!  Nothing I can do but wait it out.  Think I feel better already tonight,  Be back there in 6 months.  I also had some lab work done also.
    After I left the office I grabbed a Pepsi & ate a cookie I brought with me.  Did not help my hunger.
    I decided to try another way to leave Wichita,  Much much better & I avoid lots of traffic.  And the scenery is much better.
    The interstate highway to Wichita is already treated for ice on each bridge, each over pass & under each over pass.  They must believe our forecast.  Possible winter storm on saturday & sunday.  And super cold then & next week.
    Jalisco's was open like normal.  I had my usual burrito & asked for a second one.  Ate half & brought the other half home.
    Got home in time for CNN with Anderson Cooper & Andy Cohen.  I enjoy their banter & humour.
    KN is coming over tomorrow & I am going to have him remove my ice machine.  Then I can start my new one.  It is smaller & less heavy.
    I'm fighting tears.  The holidays about to do me in.  Starting at Thanksgiving I have lost (in order)---- bestie of many years Peter; Willie; Mom; another bestie John; Nico;  bestie José moved far away.  Will never recover from his leaving.  And take into consideration my kids have rejected me & threatened me more than once & I almost had to call the police.  And my son has 2 kids I am forbid to have any interaction with them.  Plus they vandalise Willie's grave.
    There is no celebration in this area for NYE.  I just go with NYC.  When they are in the new year then so am I,  And I can go to bed.
    I am drinking a rum & Coke.  Quite good.  Raspberry rum.  Yummy.  Cinder sitting next to me.  Got a kitty kiss.  Kisse rarely does that but sometimes.
    I will try not to cry until I an in bed.
    NYE photos tonight & probably tomorrow.  
Miss him so much.

Always miss my Oso.  Daily.  (José's nickname)

Ha.  I have no chance.  Cannot imagine anyone who would love me or want me in his life.



Monday, December 30, 2024

12/2024 Måndag the 29th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Today's Name Day:  Abel, Set

    A so-so day until late afternoon when it changed to awesome!!!
    Temps a little cooler today.  Strong winds in the western half of the state.  Not here.  But since I took some trash out I see it is blowing here now,  Having gusts around 40mph.'  Maybe some snow near here later.
    I lost my tv a few days ago.  I ordered a new remote but it did not work.  I gave up today & called DishTV.  Got the nicest lady to help me.   She wanted me to read things on my dvr box but I cannot see.  But eventually we worked it out & my new remote is now paired with my tv & dvr.  And I have tv again.  She & I were both happy.  Nice lady.
    So sad we lost President Carter.  What an honorable man.  Wish we had someone like him again.  I am very worried about our country.  We need lots of help to survive.
    A relative of mine made comments about President Carter that were so hateful.  Relative was a member of the gop so of course he would never like a Democrat.  I was so ashamed.  I am sure he said those things many times.
    I woke up early this morning & got up to the sofa.  My first sight was a llama in the pasture.  They are adorable.  And today KN brought lots of cattle home.  I am excited to have them near again.
    JR kind of wanted to eat out tonight but I was rudely awakened around 830am & never got back to sleep.  And no nap.  I spent the afternoon preparing a path to the tv in case a repairman needed to come here.  I am so tired & shaky.  Another friend wanted to see me in town but I was too tired & too busy.  I should sleep good tonight.
    I talked with MM & KW.  Both are still kind of sickly.  So is their youngest boy.  I am still soaking myself in essential oils.  So far I OK.
    Good to have things in better order in the living room.  Cannot work here tomorrow.  Gone to see a doctor.
    Pictures are seasonal..

At last!!!


A table in my yard.  Cool.

My fave animal.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

12/2024 Söndag the 29th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Today's Name Day:  Natalia, Natalie

    Not a bad sunday.  Slept well.  Too warm today.  Temps last night & today were 38 & 60.  A bit cooler tomorrow & cold on tuesday.  About time.
    Managed a nice nap with Cinder on me the entire time.  I moved some stuff & found a toy I had gotten a while ago for Kisse.  So now Cinder has been playing with it.  Cute!!
    JR & I had supper at Pizzs Hut.  No Jalisco's on sunday evenings.  But I found a cool photo of it.  Has an interesting affect.

    Before Jalisco's opened today they celebrated PR & LH's daughter's 6th birthday.  Lots of cute photos.  She is a sweetheart!
    At Pizza Hut a friend was there.  Don't see him often so we had a nice visit.  He is an awesome artist.
    We got my fave ice cream at Indigo Moo'd  -----  Old Mill Mint.  They are out of it so often but not tonight.
    JR then bought some groceries.  I only needed cookies.  While he shopped I wrote out bills.  My water bill & property taxes on a small pasture I still own.  Not sure it is worth what I have to pay.
    I managed a few more Christmas lights I missed earlier.  Done now.  Should share some here soon.
    Photos are ones I like.


There is a dog on the road.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

12/2024 Lördag the 28th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Memories of Nico. He loved laying on our bed in the sun.  Really missing him.  Almost been gone a full year.

Today's Name Day:  Benjamin

    Had an ok day.  Heard from MM.  He is still sick. I am still dosing extra doses of immunity essential oils.  Hoping for the best.  Had several emails from a friend,  I love hearing from her.
    With no tv in the house it is quiet, even though I have CBS on my phone.  Not as loud.  Cats are sleeping more.  Nothing good on today except I did watch my soap operas from friday.  That was nice.  And the national/local news tonight.  Should figure out if I can get another network or not.
    I even got SnapChat on my iPad.  Cool.  And I found some photos I totally forgot I had.  I look pretty hot an all black leather cowboy outfit with hat!!!
Fun!!!  😀

    We had fog last night.  I could see my shed but not KN's farm lights.  So it is really humid & wet out but no rain or anything.  That is only for the states around us.  So frustrating.  It was almost 60F here today.  Far too warm.  Kept my heat off.  Supposedly there is colder weather coming & maybe some snow.  Believe it when it happens.
    Supper was spaghetti again.  It is sooo good.  I am addicted to it.  That company also does a wonderful roast & mashed potatoes I really like also.
    Have some fun photos I have done & others.


003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...