Saturday, August 31, 2024

08/2024 Lördag the 31st - Wandering & Capturing Moments


New Month.  Closer to Autumn.

Feeling some relief that hopefully the super hot weather is done here.

Today's Name Day: Arvid, Vidar

    Had a peaceful & restful day.  I did not sleep the best last night so I needed to nap.  Cinder actually went out early today. But at supper time she was standing by the door wanting in.  Now out again.
    Last night when I got home my yard was all mowed. It was KN.  So nice.  Drive way also.  He is too nice to me.
    I have trash to take out. Probably monday.  They are in my way,
    High today was 83F.  Indoor/outdoor temps machine was not working this week.  I assumed the outside piece need a new battery.  Today is it working again.  Maybe it had rain or water inside it.  Who knows.  Nice to see what the temp is outside.
    Not talked to anyone today.  MM showed me where he is working today.  Class reunion.  Too busy to chat
    Holiday weekend here in the US.  It is Labor Day.  No celebration for us.  No clue if any restaurant is open.  Most in town are closed on mondays & that is the holiday day,  Just another day.  Lots of photos of everyone else's family times.
    Supper tonight was left over pizza.  I should have driven it over to JR.  He likes leftover pizza.  Not my favorite.
    No rain until the end of this coming week.  But it will be cool.  Or cooler.  At last!!!
    Photos are autumn themed.
Photos from yesterday.

Friday, August 30, 2024

08/2024 Fredag the 30th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Grief Awareness Day

........recognizes the time it takes to heal from loss doesn't have a prescribed course and is a reminder closure comes in many forms. When a loved one dies, the void they leave affects everyone differently.

Today's Name Day: Albert, Albertina

    Amazing.  Another great day!!  Two in a row.  Slept good,  Minimal pain.

    Today was a work day at the Old Mill Museum.  I was working on folder "J" & finished it.  Now doing Folder "K".  I got the photos sorted & all the tiny ones scanned. I hate those tiny photos,  They scatter & fly around,  A good work day.

    Supper tonight was pizza at my coworker LL's patio.  What a perfect day.  The pizza was perfect, but the weather was the best!!!  Not too warm or too cool.  No breeze.  Quiet neighbours.  A large group of sparrows entertained us!!  And one tiny squirrel.  Had a nice visit.  Loved the entire evening.  I am lucky to have such a good  friend.

    RG should be home.  It is only 4-5 hours to his town & he left this morning.  Missing him.

    Before pizza I got MM address of his new home & got directions from OnStar & found it easy.  Nice home.  I am anxious to visit all my grands there.  Each boy has his own room,  Great!!!  It has a loft I would love to live in!!!  The boys would be upset with Grandma!!! That is theirs!!

    Tomorrow I must write to my friend AA.  I am far behind but my being sick for almost 2 weeks has me out of sync.

    Cinder just came in.  I gave her a slice of ham because she is so nice.  THEN she almost attacked Kisse.  What was that about???

    Photos to day are some I took today.  Will post those first.


Thursday, August 29, 2024

08/2024 Torsdag the 29th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Lemon Juice Day

Today's Name Day: Hampus, Hans

    What a day!!! Sometimes you have a day that is perfect beyond perfect.  I wish every day was like today.

    Started with lunch at Jalisco's with RG & another friend.  Our friend's husband just had surgery & had to stay home.  Next time.  We had a nice visit.  A goodbye lunch with RG.  He goes home tomorrow.  Maybe returning in october for a few days.  Next long stay is next august.  Must try to text more often.  Miss him.

    Then home to get ready to take my car to Assaria for an oil change.  Unfortunately the county is working on my stupid road leading to home.  And you have to wait for a pilot car.   😱. There is a right way to do things & then there is the Saline County's way to do things.  Grrr.  I sat in line waiting the the blessed pilot car for over half an hour..  All sorts of vehicles came & went but NO pilot car.  I just needed to go one mile to my road.  One short mile but the guy with the flag was none too friendly.  I dared not ask anything.  So I sat for well over 30 minutes........scared I would be late for my appointment in Assaria.  FINALLY the pilot car arrived.  I had a loooong line of cars behind me.  The pilot car had ----- ONE!!!!!  What?  Was he taking a break in Falun???  Grrrr.

    I made it to Assaria in good time.  There are 2 booths inside the little shop at the filling station.  One was full of boxes of candy, chips, etc.  I asked if they fixed a lunch for me???  

    A man came in & asked if he could sit with me.  And did we ever talk.  He remembered Willie, my son who worked at the elevator there years ago, my nephew, my farm, my family & many not with us now..  It was so fun to laugh at things that can usually make me cry.  He had coffee with Willie often but he saw no dementia. Nice to hear.  There were several local happenings we talked about.  He remembered when Willie had his brain stroke & 

died a week later.  It was the best afternoon.  Be fun to see him again but won't happen.  He farms & has a wife.  And occasional coffee would be fun.  But I have good memories.

    Changing my oil did not go good for my guy.  In the process a man came in & needed fuel.  No problem but when  the fuel was in, they could not open the tractor door.  Locked with the keys locked inside.  We were clueless & my guy 

got no sympathy from us.  Laughter, yes.  😀

    I think I may start to drive there to get sodas & chips & cookies.  Big selection & I can see what they have.  

    Cinder went out yesterday when I went to work,  And she never went out again. I tried.  And today when I got up  she did not go outside,  I got up, got dressed, & she just looked at me.  Came back from Assaria & she just looked at me.  Odd. Right before I att supper, she went out. There is rain west of us so I am watching closely.  I think I can smell rain,  Do not see any yet here.  It is close..

    Photos are all taken today & then made black & white.


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

08/2024 Onsdag the 28th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Thoughtful Day

.......brings with it an opportunity to demonstrate how we value each other.  By serving the day with a spirit of generosity toward others, a ripple effect takes place. 💓

Today's Name Day: Fatima, Leila

    Very nice day.  Always makes one feel better.  Only one problem but it was minor,

    I got up & got ready to eat lunch & go to work.  BUT.  No tv.  Must have been a moth or fly in the house that Kisse chased & accidently turned the electricity off to the tv,  I was not in the mood to get nearly behind the tv to turn it back on. So, of course, nothing taped today.  No soaps.  Grrrr.  Small deal.

    On the way to work I stopped for fuel.  Scared if my card would work.  It was fine.  NOW I have a full tank.

    Work was good,  The last two days of work I have not found a special photo to share with Lindsborg Nostalgia.  Maybe friday.  Had photos that were interesting to me for one reason or another.  But not to many others. 

    After work I stopped in the Red Barn to visit my friend RG & see his art.  He had 2 awesome paintings he showed me & asked if they were the ones I liked a couple of years ago.  They were.  Especially the one.  And he gifted me with them!!!  I was so surprised!!  I am thrilled!!!  Must decide where to hang them.  Somewhere Kisse cannot get to them!!!  She is. a mess.  Worse than a lilla buse!!!

    Weather was in the 90s.  No rain today.  None until tomorrow evening/night.  We all are hoping.  We are near 4 inches too low on rain.

    Supper was Mexican.  My one friend who works there says he is leaving in 2 weeks.  I hope not.  I will miss him but I am pretty sure he will keep in touch.  We text often now.

    Dessert was a snow cone.  I am going to be really sad when they close for the year.  )-;

    Drove around town a bit with JR looking for a certain house.  Try again another day.

    Cinder came in the house when I went to work,  When I got home she usually runs to get out.  She did not today.  I have tried several times to get her to go out,  Now it is too late.  She is not whining though.  Just an occasional dirty look.  Lazy!  See how the night goes.  Tomorrow I am gone two short times.  Should be better for her.

    Photos are all taken today.


Rodger Gerberding art.  Love it!!

Rodger Gerberding art.  Love it!!

Rodger Gerberding art.  Love it!!

Carving by Lester Raymer.

JR at Tropical Snow

Tree by Tropicall Snow.  No clue what it is.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

08/2024 Tisdag the 27th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Peach Day

Every year at this time a local church is in charge of selling Colorado peaches & occasionally pears.  Every monday late afternoon.

Today's Name Day: Raoul, Rolf

    I had a good day.  Slept pretty good.  Same old pain so I was sure rain was coming.  And it did.  More comes around thursday.  And then cooler temps.  I hope so.

    I had a hair appointment in Salina.  Nice to be pampered.  He has been getting my top too short.  See if it is better today.  Looks good.

    When my appointment was over it looked really dark outside,  I was pretty sure I would drive through rain. The road I usually take to home was getting ready for some road work so I want through Smolan instead.  And they are prepping that road the same way.  And the rain started before I was out of Salina.  It rained so hard I could barely see to drive.  It was scary.  I could see lightning hitting the ground near me.  Fun to see that.  There was a little piece of some kind of equipment ahead of me that I did not want to follow out of Smolan. & then try to pass.  I went back into town & found a farmer's market that is open every sunday from 10-2..  Now I know where to go.  This sunday they are serving a pulled pork meal that sounds good.  See how brave I get!  They have fresh veggies, eggs, pastries.  Sounds good.  I would take my meal home.  I took photos of it.

    I got home & we had no rain.  Of course.  What else is new?

    I got lots of cloud photos.  Minimal editing.  There are some wild flowers growing in my back yard I got photos of.  With some kind of bee eating.  Cool..

    Did not get too warm today.  I saw a little over 90 before the clouds.  Great.  There is hope.

    I got home & I had a Danish kringler delivered.  I ordered it,  Excellent.  Might have to order again.  Went good with my chicken noodle soup for supper.

    Photos are taken today.  One silly one of Cinder.  I have started calling her Lilla Buse (little brat).  I think she likes it,  Seems to mind me better when I call her that & is more cuddly.  Maybe she has never liked her name.  Who knows?  She was o;n ;the porch when I got home.

Monday, August 26, 2024

08/2024 Måndag the 26th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Dog Day

Nico when he was a baby.  Just adorable.  My heart aches for him.

Today's Name Day: Östen

    Had a good day but busier than I planned.  Had lunch with RG.  Our last monday together.  He is going back to his home town on friday.  I will miss him.  He is a super guy.  Always makes me feel good about life,.  And makes me feel loved & ok.  Sort of rare feelings for me.
    I need to get my car tag renewed & I only have until the end of August.  So I called them to see if I can make an appointment.  I had no idea I could do that until recently.  I had planned to go on thursday but they had 4 open spots today.  And I thought "why not".  Whenever I have been there to get my tag renewed the line is always bad.  I walked in & it was the longest line I had ever seen!!  If I did not have an appointment I would have sat down & cried.  But I walked in to tell them I had an appointment like they instructed to do..  She asked my name & it was almost time for my appointment so they told me to sit down.  (All those stupid people standing line while I just walked in & got helped immediately.  We are a stupid people in this country.  So sad..)  I got my tag renewed & in 2 weeks I will get a new tag since our state changed what ours look like.  If I get stopped for not renewing mine I have a paper to show the policeman.  And I renewed my handicapped parking plaque.  Thank god!!!  I have missed it.  Got all my paperwork organised in my car afterwards.  Good to be done with it all.
    Got home & I had took a short nap.  Then supper.  Neither cat woke up when I left this morning so they were still sleeping.  Cinder stayed in while I napped.  Too hot outside.
    Supper was extra good.  I got soup today.  Soup was loaded baked potato with bacon & cheese.  Must buy again.  Really yummy.  Plus a croissant with chocolate.
    Horrid hot weather.  I saw 104F this afternoon.  Usch.  My AC could not keep up.   My living room was 77F.  Too warm.  It is finally back to normal.
    There is a line of storms west of me.  Looks hopeful but I know better.  Time will tell.  Still warm tomorrow.  & rain.  No rain on wednesday but then more rain on thursday & temps in the 80s.  I can dream.
    More pain today.  Hip & knee.  Walked better than I thought I would.  And my eczema is almost always itching me somewhere.  I keep an anti itch lotion near  when at home.  The worst is my left palm & my hair line on my neck.
    I try not to whine too much when I write here but very few people I am friends with read my blog.  Every once in a while I open it up to everyone.  But no one ever asks to be put on my list.  Fine for them.  I write for me mostly.  Blogged for many many years,  I do not have hundreds of readers but that is ok.  I am thrilled if I get 20 from all around the world.
    About time for my spanish lesson.  Last night was pretty easy.  Always nice.  There was a test I could do to skip to the next lesson.  I did not pass.  Harder than I expected.  And I was distracted also.
    Pictures are a mixed mess.

10/2024 Fredag the 04th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

               Cinnamon Bun Day - Kanelbullens dag ........ is always celebrated on October 4 in Sweden. Swedes love to have a Fika and it m...