Thursday, April 30, 2020

Quarantine Day 46

Another quiet day. Until this afternoon. A huge excavator drove through my yard. Will be tearing down a building west of the house. That happens tomorrow. My nephew is always so caring. He always makes sure that what he does will not upset me. I have told him to tear all the dilapidated buildings down but he always double checks. Nice. Not used to most family caring about me. Think how great it could be if we all cared about each other. I guess those days are gone now. And maybe I get what I deserve. Not a happy thought.

My RA doctor called and next week instead of me driving to Wichita we are doing a tele appointment. I signed on to their app and it worked great. I even accidentally had a dr answer. When I told him why I was there he hung up. It was his fault not mine but I know it all works well. Wonder if I can talk my diabetes dr. in to the same way. I really do not want to be in a clinic full of sick people. I hate the thought of even having blood drawn in Lindsborg. Just want to be left alone.

The weather was almost 80F. House was felt ok. Took a nice nap with the fur kids. Maybe eat out tomorrow.

My hand keeps fluctuating. Now a different finger is swollen and very sore. Not so sure that it is all caused by my injuring my hand. Maybe it has affected my RA. I am sick to death of it.

Livin' the dream.

The fantasy continues

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Quarantine Day 45

Just a quiet day of nothing. I slept sort of ok and napped. I no longer try to stay awake. My new life. I planned this year to be a year a new traditions. It is but certainly not what I planned.

I had planned to go to Salina but changed my mind. Maybe tomorrow.

I managed to get Nico to take his pill. Should chill him out. And most important help him not to chew on his feet and scratch. His allergies are worse this year.

My hand is better but the itching is 100% worse. Driving me crazy. Worth it to see the doctor? In a clinic with sick people? Not bad enough yet. 

Sat outside with Nico a couple of times. Both pastures are full of cattle. One pasture had little calves. Fun to watch them run and jump. Not quite old enough to play with each other yet.

Sometimes I really hate FB. I commented on a friends post. Two of her friends decided they needed to tell me how wrong I am and not necessarily polite.  Why do they feel the need to attack someone they do not know? I never have that urge. I blocked them both. I do not need in my life. Times are tough enough for me now. I resisted the urge to comment back but you cannot fight with stupid. They just drag you down to their level and then beat you up.

House has actually been comfortable today. I let it get cold last night and never turned the heat on. Had my small heater on for a short time in the living. Been good all day. See what happens on Saturday when it is in the 80s.

I have started checking my temperature twice a day. Stays pretty normal. I also started a list of who I come into contact with every day. I do not think I am sick but what if someone I have been with gets sick. Better safe than sorry. My list has very few people on it.

Time for supper. Think there is a tv dinner to heat.   

Livin' the dream.

The fantasy continues.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Quarantine Day 44

It was nice weather today late but early afternoon we had a downpour. I enjoyed it. I loveded hearing the thunder.

I picked up my brother. We went to Salina to the airport. There is a company there that repairs passenger planes. With few people flying, Delta sent many smaller passenger planes here at the same time. We took photos. Cool to see so many planes here at the same time.

There is a bakery I have been looking for so we went looking for it. And found it. Shopping tomorrow! 

Supper was back in town at Jalisco's.

My hand is actually better. Amazing. There is less swelling, pain, and redness. I can bend my fingers easier. I feel better.

Livin' the dream.

The fantasy continues.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Quarantine Day 43

I slept good and the day started quietly. BUT. Then my neighbor came to mow my yard. I went out we had a nice visit. He is in high school and had classes earlier. Said he bought a new mower for this year. Not as wide but more power. Sounded good. Nice to  have my yard all trimmed. A couple of places I can get with my push mower.
My brother and I had plans for today but I got a bad headache. Has been happening often lately. Probably stress. I cancelled and  stayed home. Felt better after a nap. We go tomorrow, headache or not.

My hand is worse. Not as red or hot. But more swollen. Been trying to sit with my hand higher than my heart. See if it helps. Maybe getting better. Seems there is always something. Bad enough to be in isolation. Wish things could be better.

I watched the news tonite. We are a stupid people. They showed beaches covered with hundreds of people, walking within inches of each other, no masks, no gloves. Interesting to see what happens. Hope they stay far away from me. Idiots.

My nephew opened up a different pasture. One little calf was there and watched Nico and I. He was there all afternoon. I called my nephew. Hope he is with his mom now. They are so cute when tiny. 

Was warm today. Not hot though. Almost got the house comfy. Almost. Getting hotter this week.

Now 43 days. 43. How many more? How do I survive? Sigh.....

Livin' the dream.

The fantasy continues.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Quarantine Day 42

Had a good day. I took a pill so I slept pretty good for a change. Felt good.

My brother and I went to Jalisco's for lunch. So good to see Miguel. He has no idea how much I miss eating there. It was truly a second home to me. I had the car windows open. A van parked next to us with a few people in it. Just nice to hear talking and laughing. So rare for me. And then a very large group of bikers came and parked near us. I love how they sound. Thought maybe they would eat Mexican but they did not. No idea where they were from.

My brother came home with me. I did his laundry and he carried all my trash out. And there was a lot!! And then he put many boxes in my trunk to give to a friend who is  moving.

Both fur kids came out to see my brother. Usually Kisse hides. I went back in the bedroom and she cuddled with me. Then she came out to the living room. Oh, what a glare she had on her face. I should have gotten a photo!!

After taking my brother home, I stopped to visit with my bestie. We had a long visit. He worries about me. Rather nice. I have an upcoming doctor app't and he almost forbid me to go to any hospital. It is a clinic but I am calling tomorrow to see if they can just call. I have no change. And the week after a different doctor. Do not want to go there either.

I injured my hand a few days ago --- nothing much. But a day or so later I had one joint swell and turn red and hot. Extremely sore!! I could barely make a fist. And both my hands are itching like crazy. I have a lotion that really helps.

After all I have read and listened to, I am starting to believe I will never again live a normal life. Makes me sad. IF the virus is always around and will come back next autumn but worse, I do not dare go out like I used to. With my health issues and my age I really do not dare. Should not think about all I will do without. Life is just not fair. I should be used to that.

Weather was ok. Warm and no wind. Cloudy. Hot weather comes this week. Oh, joy!

Photos are all from Lindsborg except for the barn. I did editing on all of them.

    Livin' the dream.

The fantasy continues.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Quarantine Day 41

Another quiet day. Getting old but no major bad things happened. No phone calls and no one drove through. A few messages from family and friend.

My cousin sent me a joke that was too funny. Cannot share with others though. I found one even better. He laughed so hard he could not answer his partner as why he was laughing! Laughing is good. Now I got one from his partner. Those guys are the best!! 

I am actually cooking supper. It might have to be thrown outside. I guess time will tell. New recipe. BUT! It was luscious! Chicken, cream, gnocchi. Did not have spinach but will the next time. I liked it. Very easy!

Wish I knew what was going on out in my shed. Things keep moving in the doorway. Maybe wind and maybe wildlife. Odd.

Warmer today. The house is not comfy. I will figure it out by next winter. Last night was cool so being in bed was ok but too warm now.

Photos are from Jalisco Mexican Restaurant. Will life ever be "normal" again? Probably not for me. If I never know when it will start again I will always be at home except on rare occasions.

Living' the dream.

The fantasy continues.


Friday, April 24, 2020

Quarantine Day 40

Can you believe it? I have been in almost complete isolation for 40 days. Most days are sort of ok. I sleep a lot and have no motivation. My depression is worse. But I am still here.

For a long time after Willie died I kept thinking it was time for him to come home in the evenings. I finally got over it, but the last 2 nights I have had those feelings again. Odd.

We got some rain last night and today. No idea how much. Not been to my rain gauge today. I love the cooler weather but next week is in the 80s. Oh joy. Good reason to stay ho

Once in a great while my mind just shuts down. Actually it is often!! I went to let Nico out to potty and I just opened the door and out he went. No leash on. I just sat down to wait. He was not coming back until he was good and ready. I finally started the car thinking he might want a ride, but no. He came running back and wanted in. He is weird.

I am still sick to death of FB. I scroll through and just check headlines. I have no interest to post, like or anything. I just do not feel good so I am leaving all alone. They all have better things to do.

I did call a good friend. We had a nice conversation. How fun if we could sit in the White Peacock and have tea. Will we ever have those days again.

Photos today from the Red Barn Museum where I used to work. Be fun to be there again but I just do not fit in. I work twice a year at an art sale.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Quarantine Day 39

I think the worst thing about being isolated is there is no one here. Things do happen here. Maybe something really good. Maybe something really bad. But no one to share with or get support from. That is the worst. I needed some support the other day and two good friends were just too tired to talk for just a few minutes. Won't ask again. Today is a bad day. I should not be blogging.

The temperature reached at least 81. Too warm for me. Now it is dropping and there is lightning and rain in the area. I am sure we will not get much of it.

I had planned to go to town today but did not make it. Maybe tomorrow, maybe not. See how I feel.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Quarantine Day 38

Had a rainy day. And cool. I enjoyed it tremendously. My kind of weather.

And the night before, the strange dog was back in my yard. Must be the neighbour's dog. My doorbell catches glimpses of him. Second time I have seen him. He never causes any trouble. He just ambles though and sniffs around.

My brother and I had Big Cheese Pizza this noon. I was craving it so bad. And it was wonderful. But my stomach did not like it later. Stress? Gallbladder? I took a nap and then was ok.

My groceries were ready at 7pm. They are perfect. I drove in to park and my groceries were waiting. I use Walmart. I got chewed out for not shopping locally. But I often order a wine cooler and locally that is not an option. I am used the app I use and creature of habit. It shows exactly what I can order.

Still lightly raining now. Then I think a couple of dry days but rain later.

Living' the dream.

The fantasy continues.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Quarantine Day 37

Sort of a quiet day here in my domain. I did sleep quite well. Nice for a change.    

I tried to video chat with two friends last night but both turned me down. Wow. No need to say how I reacted to them. I guess no one understands. Really no one. As long as they are OK and happy that is all I want. I live to be in isolation. Not.

I watched CNN last night with Chris Cuomo. I enjoyed his commentary. Might plan to watch or tape more often.

Kisse curled up on my laptop while I was on my iPhone. I got lots of closeups of her and of Nico, who is always next to me. Even when I am less than a good mom, he never leaves my side. I do not deserve either of them. And I know without them I would not survive. They keep me going day to day.

Today Nico went to the vet. I parked outside and called to tell them I was here. Then they came to get Nico, who growled. They did all I needed. Then one girl came to get my credit card.

Nico is not off people food. He lived through supper. He has now started in the evenings to just have a dozen needs. Most of which I am clueless. He drives me crazy.

Livin' the dream.

The fantasy continues.

003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...