Sunday, July 31, 2022

31 june, 2022 Wandering

    Finally.  July ends.  Closer to autumn.  Cannot come fast enough.  And the heat has returned.  😧 Cloudy off & on but no rain anywhere near.  Good breeze but got over 90F.  I sat out for a while with Nico.  He loves the sun.  Cinder gave me a lot of attention.  Well worth the time outside.  She is the sweetest.  Kisse gets all lovey dovey in the middle of the night.  We are a unique family.

    Much better day.  I slept good.  No pain.  No meltdown.  Did not injure a finger or any other body part.  Could not have done 2 bad days in a row.  Barely survived one.

    JR & I ate at Jalisco's today.  JS was in a good mood & we had a good visit.  Had some gossip to share!  And he joked as usual.  It is a joy to see CT when I get there.  The minute he sees me he gets a big smile.  And he always walks over to me to shake my hand.  MS came out from the kitchen all excited since today is payday.  I asked him for some money.  Sadly, no.  There is a word & gesture that means "cheap" in Spanish.  I did that & could not shame him into sharing his pay!!  He just laughs!  JS always teaches me things you do not learn in a class!!

    I passed my spanish lessons last night.  I am in a new area.  Went from Leisure to Past Tense.  Last night was harder but I wrote out a cheat sheet to help.

    I really hope my car gets fixed soon.  I need to go to Salina but worried about being too far from home & having problems.  I should just go get José's car.  Maybe just for thursday.  Need to see my accountant & I have a hair app't.  The car causes me stress.

    I saw an ad on FB about a nurse that has really bad knees (like I don't know) & she tried nothing but frankincense essential oil on her knees.  Sounded too good to be true.  But I tried it last night.  Not a twinge of pain all night.  At Jalisco's I usually have an aching back & hard to get up to walk.  Not today.   No ache & got up & just walked like normal.  For real?  I will keep reporting on it.  Great if it always works.  I use a lot of essential oils.

    Photos are just a mix.  Nothing special.  The forecast for winter was just released.  I will include it too.  I am liking it if true.  The bug was on my car window.  Ick.  But he did hold still for me.



Saturday, July 30, 2022

30 june, 2022 Wandering

    No blog today.  Bad night & bad day.  Will write tomorrow.  Hope everyone is ok.  Be safe.

    Photos are a mix of ones I have edited.


Friday, July 29, 2022

29 july, 2022 Wandering

    I had a quiet day.  Nothing special here at home.  Slept well until early morning when I developed severe right hip pain.  Why??  It got better but when I got to Jalisco's it hurt again.  Then went away.  😲

    Nico was actually good today.  I am grateful after yesterday.  Grrrr.

    I watched a huge area of thunderstorms headed our way all night.  What a fool I am!  Never got close & nary a drop of rain.  It did rain where it was desperately needed though.  When they said this rainy period was coming they had us in the 3-5" area of rain by the weekend's end.  Now we are in the half inch area, if we are lucky.  I knew it was too good to be true.  I would be happy if it stayed cool with a nice breeze to blow all the bugs away.  Far away.

    JR, PM, & I met for supper at Jalisco's.  They were busy early.  Probably because there is a play in the park & people were eating before going to find a seat.

    In the middle of our time in there I saw MA & JS gather to talk.  And exchange orders.  A gentleman came in for a takeout order & paid for several tables of people eating.  What a wonderful thing to do!  Very cool!!  Made my day!!!  I would love to do that.  What a great feeling it would be.

    Before leaving I saw 3 ladies eating together.  One I see on FB daily but rarely in person.  The second one I know.  The third one I took spanish from.  All nice.  What lucky ladies.  They were talking & laughing enjoying each other.  Be so great to have some lady friends to see weekly doing things.  There are many little groups of ladies in town but I am not nor have I ever been part of any of them.  But not my place in life.  I am turning more & more into a hermit as time goes on.

    It is interesting to see who actually reads my blog.  There are a couple of people who always like my photos.  But if I had written I had my leg cut off (joke) they would not know to make a comment.  Interesting.  But people who do not live here maybe only look at my photos too.  And I write my blog for me.  It does me good.  And helps me to think only in the positive --- most of the time.

    Nico thinks it is cookie time.  Ha.  Not until my blog is written.  And maybe my spanish lesson done.

    Photos are of the prairie & the Smoky Hill Cemetery.



Thursday, July 28, 2022

28 july, 2022 Wandering

    A fairly good day.  Sleeping was a bit of a challenge, as usual.  But I did sleep some.  And a short nap.

    Nico is ok today.  Just a brat.  I think the older he gets his temper gets worse.  And his getting into things also.  Plus he stole a cinnamon roll & ate it all!!  There is one left that he will not get a bite from!

    We have rain forecast & even flooding.  Nothing here yet.  All sorts of stuff west & south of us.  Had a light shower over night.

    JR & I got worried about the flooding in Kentucky..  We have cousins there but luckily they are far to the west of the flooding.  The videos are so sad & scary.

    Since we stayed home last night with Nico a bit sick, tonight we ate at Jalisco's.  They were fairly busy.  Always good to see.  Not crowded enough to to put my mask on.

    On the way to town I saw  2 little deer in the pasture.  So sweet.  Early this morning I saw a large dark bird on top of a pole.  Not sure if it was a turkey vulture.  Not a crow.  Owl?  Not sure.

    Photos today are a mix.  The first ones are not mine.  The painting is of Ling Auditorium that was on our college campus until a fire destroyed it.  Painting is mine.  Painted by a good friend.  The photos after the painting are from Fairbury Nebraska.  I spent a weekend there.  Nice town.  In one photo you will notice there is another Jalisco Restaurant.  Owned by the same family as mine here.


Wednesday, July 27, 2022

27 july, 2022 Wandering

    Well today did not go at all like I planned.  My alarm went off & then Nico threw up several times & again closer to lunch.  I cancelled work.  Darn, I miss being there.  But the thought of coming home & finding spots of puke & then cleaning them up was not good.  Or worse yet stepping in some hidden on a rug with a busy pattern.

    Nico took an extra long nap.  And did not beg for lunch.  After his nap we went outside.  He laid in the sun a bit but was not interested in staying out.  But at supper time, then he was ready to eat.  And even begged for dog food.  He is still a little slower than usual.  What made him sick?  Or what did he find to taste?  Oh well.  Glad he is ok now.

    My car is still not fixed.  Hope my part comes pretty soon.  Fuel is getting so cheap!!!

    My anniversary finally got to me again last night.  I cried a bit.  Life is just not like it should be.  And life is never fair, especially for me.  But maybe I get what I deserve.  I do talk to Willie.  I think he is around.  My nephew is sure of it.  He loved the farm so much he would have to observe.  I read that if you dream of someone who has passed & they are just in your dream.  You don't interact with them or speak to them, they are just there.  That means you are thinking of them.  But if you dream & they are in your dream & your two are talking, doing things together, etc. then he is there.  I dreamed of him last night.  We were in Vegas again!

    The local hospital had a video on FB.  Covid is on the rise.  Hospital had 9 to 12 cases known by testing.  The pharmacy a few less than that.  The hospital has one inpatient.  I had a friend who was in the hospital but I think he is home now.  Salina has 2 inpatients.  And of course, people who test at home do not report that & there are many who never test.  My mask is coming out.  But too many people who won't mask or keep a distance from others.

    I got word today a sweet pastor friend in California has passed away.  I will miss him.  We used to email often while he was able.  And he used to come here & always visited my Swedish group.  His wife passed away within the last year.  I did not know her.  I do not think she came to my group.  She had family here she was with.

    Photos today are of a day when my yard was full of deer.  I was on my porch but I could not move or they would have ran.  Not good photos but good memories for me.



Tuesday, July 26, 2022

26 july, 2022 Wandering

    A nice day of pleasant weather.  Never got to 90F.  Love it!  We even had a light shower during the night sometime.  It did not amount to much.  Some rain north of here now.  And some severe weather around Stratton Colorado.  Coming this way?  Weather just said that rains are increasing in coverage & in amounts later this week.  Good.  💦💧

    Today is a bittersweet day for me.  Willie & I were married 56 years ago in Minneapolis KS.  The entire time he was alive the only ones who remembered us was my mom & my 2 aunts in Denver & one cousin from Denver.  Of course he & they are gone so it is totally forgotten.  Our kids never remembered or cared.  I am fine today for some reason.  But I cried too much on saturday & sunday.  So many memories.  Never had a wedding or reception.  We eloped.  Mom promised a reception but it never happened.


    I have had trouble with my wifi going off line.  The power strip is very old so I replaced it today.  Hope that helps.

    I have some cookies I order sometimes from Amazon.  I had a notice that they were not selling them anymore.  My faves!!  😱  But I just ordered them again so whatever was stopping them must have been solved.  Good.  😍

    I will be so glad when our Aug. 2 election is over.  I get so tired of one group whose commercials are lies.  Should not be allowed.  If people would just do some reading on their own they could learn a lot.  But they just eat it up.  Sad.

    I am about ready to start wearing a mask again.  I have had 3 friends who just had Covid.  Or 3 that I know of, could be more.  And I was exposed to it & had to quarantine.  Dang.  And that stupid monkey pox.  What next?

    Nico is pacing.  We are late for when HE thinks supper should be.  We live on his schedules.

     Photos today are of the prairie near where I live.


003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...