Sunday, March 31, 2024

03/2024 Söndag the 31st - Wandering & Capturing Moments


Today's Name Day: Ester, Noa

    Had a really good day.  Might not have felt the perkiest but it was still awesome.

    I did not feel like eating lunch,  I had 2 cookies for lunch & then a nap,

    Went to Lindsborg to the American Legion, where MK & KW  fixed a super Easter family dinner.  What a feast!!!  Steaks, chicken, mac & cheese, baked beans, veggies, desserts.  I could not eat like I want but i was satisfied,  Great steak & great cake for dessert,  And my 3 great grandsons who all had hugs & kisses!!

    KW hid all sorts of things around the Legion for kids.  Some candy & some toys,  They were all excited.  And I got all excited that I got a flower bouquet.  How special!

    MK wondered if our friend AA was eating at home alone.  His mom was at work. So he came to eat with us.  Very good to see him again.

    There was another couple  there & he knew both my grandsons,  Very nice guy,  Have to go eat where he works sometime.  Nice to meet nice new people.

    Heard from my other grandson CF.  Nice family day.  And just found out I am doing lunch out tomorrow too.  Even with a cold  front & chance of moisture.

    The weather was unreal today.  Saw 80F for the high..  Felt ok.  Then a cold front tomorrow with rain or snow.  Mother Nature eithers needs more medication or less medication.

    Photos are a mix.  Some from today.


Family castle in Sweden.

Easter flowers

One egg

Bar area at the legion

Rune stone in our park..


Saturday, March 30, 2024

03/2024 Söndag the 30th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


 National I am in Control Day

(or I think I am!!)

Today's Name Day: Holger, Holmfrid

    Today was ok.  Tired of feeling sickly.  Another cold front coming.  I can feel it.  Sore feet, sore hip, sore shoulders, sore hands. You would think I would get used to it at some point.  Hahaha!  Even my stomache is not behaving.  Not felt good since I had that awful  flu for 2 weeks

    I slept good last night.  Finally.  Not too hot & not too cold.  Hope tonight is good too,

    JR & I went to the SVAFC.  Last weekend for this months show.  I had worked it so I had seen it but had a great talk with one of the bosses.  I don't see her often enough,  Fun,.

    Supper was at Pizza Hut.  I had pasta & garlic bread.  But dessert was at Indigo Moo'd.  Love their ice cream.  Soo good!!  Stomach behaved tonight.

    Finally something good on tv ---- SNL.  Sort of a weird show though.  Tired of sports.  Hopefully next week is better.

    Tomorrow is Easter.  I get to spend part of the day with my grandson & great grandsons.  Looking forward to it.  I cannot spend the entire day with them,  My stomache is just not healthy enough to eat that much food.  I try to be so careful.  Hope I improve without surgery.  And I am tired all the time.

    I miss doing the usual things I always used to do on Easter.  I know life goes on but I still miss it.

    When JR & I left Indigo Moo'd a family was walking in.  I recognized them.  Nice people.  But tonight the husband reminded me of Willie.  He really looked liked him tonight.  All Falun farmers tend to resemble each other.  But tonight it truly hit me how much they look like each other.  I think the holiday weekend, a sick friend, too many old photos on FB memories of times when we got to see our grandkids.  Not allowed to be part of their lives for several years.  It all hit me hard tonight.  I sobbed all they way driving home.  I try to ignore all I am missing but here I sit all alone..  I have new family that are 100% better than the old hateful ones who scare me..  But I still miss what I don't have.  Dang.

    Photos tonight are Easter themed pictures.


Friday, March 29, 2024

03/2024 Fredag the 29th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day

Today's Name Day: Jens, Jonas

    I did not have the best sleep last night.  I was either too hot or too cold.  Eventually I just turned it all off, cooled down, & pulled my covers back on.  Then slept ok.  Even managed a short afternoon nap.  Too warm today.  In the 70s.  Do not like it.

    Invited to supper at my friend AA's house.  His mom made bacon arepas for us.  They are awesome.  He is from Argentina originally.  He was an awesome soccer player for our college.  So he looked to see if there was soccer on the TV.  There was!!  It was so much fun to watch with him & to hear what he thought should happen, what should not happen, & more.  And he predicted which team would win.  And he was right.  When he was captain of out college soccer team & the team came out of the field,  he always came to say hello to me.  I was good friends another player & we always said goodbye to each other after the match.  They both rented rooms with a great friend so I got to be friends with them.  And still friends.  I am so lucky.  I had a great evening!!!

    Got home & Cinder met me in my car near where my drive joined my yard,  She was excited to see me.

    Great art show at the SVAFC that ends this weekend.  JR & I are going tomorrow so we can see it & I can take photos of it.  It is carvings of friend of mine.  Love his work.  Will be awesome!!!

    Severe scary weather forecast for monday.  Doubtful we get rain here but wind & hail is possible.  Rain avoids us.

    I am in a black & white mood today.  So my photos are all black & white.



Thursday, March 28, 2024

03/2024 Torsdag the 28th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

National Black Forest Cake Day 

Today's Name Day: Malkom, Morgon

    Pretty good day other than I was so sleepy.  Managed a short nap after supper when I got home.  But the wind came up & blew the screen door open & woke th cats up.

    I worked this afternoon.  Still working on photos of the Swedish Pavilion.  The last book then new photos!!  They showed me a great photo that will be posted tomorrow so I cannot post it first.  Also got to take photos of a historic old clock.  Just beautiful.  Cannot post those either.  Later I can.

    One photo in my book was taken in the mid 1960s.  The Pavilion was just moved into our old town area & connected all 3 pieces of it together.  Totally different look than now.  Wide open space!!  This photo was such a bad photo.  Bad.  I ran it through at least 2 apps on my phone & I finally got it so you can see trees & houses, etc.  It created lots of interest.  Fun!!  Love when that happens!

    JR & I had supper at Jalisco's.  They were busy.  Had dessert there & then saw the ice cream store was open.  Dang.  Too late.

    Photos today are a mix.  I will explain some or most of them.


Great memories!  Me with great friend Danny & my best friend Peter.  Boy did we have fun!!!  Not seen Danny in years.  Peter died a few years ago.

Mom sipping on my martini at Ya Ya's in Wichita.  Awesome memory!

Tiny flowers growing on a rock at the Old Mill.

Nico & one of our cows in a Mexican standoff.  They really glared!  Glad Nico was on a leash!

Treasures from the Old Mill.  Outer photos are a very old curling iron. The center photos are a small little metal "purse" that women carried their calling cards in. When they visited friends homes there was a bowl in the hall where one would leave your calling card.

Lindsborg Main Street.  The gray car was mine at the time.

Arty window.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

03/2024 Onsdag the 27th - Wandering & Capturing Moments


National Little Red Wagon Day

I do not think I had a wagon as a child.  If I did it was a smaller version.

Today's Name Day: Ralf, Rudolph

    I cancelled my day today.  I was fine but had things I needed to do.  So I moved work, etc. from today to thursday.  I could not find my family doctor appointment.  I thought it was in May.  I was really wrong,  Glad I called.  I see him middle of April.  He does all my lab work.  My diabetic doctor uses that lab work.  That way I am only stuck once & charged only once.  I had to move that doctor's appointment to around 2 weeks after lab.

    I also had some bills to pay.  I had 2 visits for my AC & one for a delivery of a tank of propane.  Got both taken care of.  Yikes!!! 😱

    Both cats were near during nap time but they were hiding.  It is our quiet time.

    Talked with a good friend & hopefully we will spend some time together this week.  I really. miss seeing him.  But we text often.

    We got super cold last night.  I saw 14F.  Then this afternoon I saw 58F.  Getting warmer all week, especially on Easter.  I never celebrate Easter anymore.  Used to sing in a choir at a concert on Easter.  But I cannot stand for long periods of time plus I would just cry trying to sing.  Life moves on whether we like it or not.  I won't try to attend any rehersals.  Too emotional.  Mom sang for around 62 years.  What an honour for her & for us.

    Yesterday & today as I sit on my sofa I can see out my living room window.  All the little calves have grown & are now running & chasing around the pasture.  What a joy to be able to see.  Maybe on a warm day soon I should sit outside so I can see them better.

    Photos today are from a road trip with LL to Yoder KS.  It is an Amish town & restaurant.  With food to die for.  They sell lots of food to go --- bread, cinnamon rolls, & more.  Will buy a couple of cinnamon rolls next time.  They are huge!!! Need to go back.  We went for lunch then visited a farm to buy some art for the Old Mill gift shop.  Need to plan a road trip.  The Amish do not drive cars other than farm equipment.  Very conservative,  I did not take photos at the farm we visited.  I was not sure it was proper & allowed.  It was a lovely farm.



Tuesday, March 26, 2024

03/2024 Tisdag the 26th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

Epilepsy Awareness Day 

Using this in honor of the daughter of good friends of mine.

Today's Name Day: Emanuel

    I have been in such awful emotional pain because of losing Nico & that today is his 8th birthday.  And severe RA pain due to changing weather.  But today I woke up with a pleasant dream & feeling much better.  No tears.  I am reading a book that I almost cried over.  It is sad for sure.  But I did not read it for very long.  So I mostly have felt good.  In spanish: Estoy mejor.

    Cinder stayed close to me all last night.  I like that. But after lunch both cats were in the house.  Cinder laid on my chest for a short time then they both disappeared.  They each have favorite hiding places.  I got up, got make up on & clothes on.  No cats appeared.  I left for supper.  I assume napping continued without me.

    We got super cold last night.  There was lots of snow in western Kansas.  We always get nada here.  I was out briefly before bed.  The concrete under my carport was wet.  Super fine freezing mist was coming down.  Did not last long.  Stayed chilly today.  Getting warmer this week.  Then sometime next week a cold blast again.  I am sure that any moisture that falls will have nothing to do with where I live.  Our drought keeps getting worse & worse.  😱

    Supper was at Jalisco Mexican Restaraunt.  I had Pollo Loco & sopapillas.

    Quick trip to the grocery store.  I am out of ice cream. & one kind of cookies.

    I am glad to have survived Nico's birthday.  Why could he not have been healthy & lived to a great old age?

    Photos are cattle the greeted me tonight when I got home & some sunset photos.  I mostly do not like sun rise or sunset photos.  There are always far too many of them.  But tonight they were rather pretty out.


003/2025 Fredag the 07th - Wandering & Capturing Moments

  Today's Name Day:   Camilla I was in school with a girl named Camille.  We knew each other but not friends.  She was a year older ...